Oh sorry, Well I think that he shouldn't get in for basicly what EJM has said, I can see that he buys his way through the ranks.

Anyhow what do you mean by "he buys his way"?
Last edited by teague19; May 8, 2011 at 05:19 AM.
ex [Secret] Guardian - [OLDA]
Interesting proposal. Do you mind explaining your theory? Or does he seem to you like the type to buy accounts?
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<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
EJM wants me to change my name back. What say you, folks?
My point exactly. In any case it's a no from me.
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<[Obey]PlataBear> I yolo so hard erth looks up from his toilet
EJM wants me to change my name back. What say you, folks?
I know from fact that lumpysolo was invading PD(i was a former member)He was in TLOD abd he tried to get into PD.So it caused a lot of fighting so I had to leave.