the opener is fricken awesome up til the part u slowed down, kinda weird imo

sick ass core kick

cool decap noice skeet
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Like it alot. Movement n shizels are great.

don't like that first kick that kinda misses with no Point to it but you followed it up well enough to make it up for that.

Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Lovely stuff. Like the butterfly aswell. looks sleek as fuck

Knee shit in the last moments where good but that the head still wasn't dm'd looked annoying to me :c
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
the opener is really cool, gj on that.
the part when you hit uke looks like you were just owrking around him like you didnt know he was there if that makes any sense. basically it just looks like you ran into him
core is nice
great ass spins
decap hook looks awesome
cool skeet
badass pose
nice movement in the opener, quick too which is good
u jumped at 400 frames from such a shit position and angle and u lost all of ur spin and it looked shitty

nice lift nice split
at like frame 135 u like freeze or some shit and just shake
other than that its really nice gj
holy shit nice opener and really nice shit straight into the first kick
would have been nice if ur kick at 340 actually dmed something bc u could have gone for the glutes and legs next

kinda nice movement over to the head and chest but the butterfly kick feels so fucking out of place
it's nice but it really doesnt fit
landing into the jump position then jump felt really sluggish
nice boom
cool flip
opener was gewd
didn't really like the last part of it thought
the little manip thing looked pretty good
firt dm is nice
transition between dms is damn good
the decap was noice
skeet dm is just fking great
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
sick ass opener, looked like u were break dancing

split was okay, didn't like how u relaxed the knee after, holding it or keeping it extended would've been better imo

decap was sick af, flowed well after the epic opener

pec dm is okay, nothing too special
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)