Originally Posted by evil View Post
this is a moment in time i would call you a total idiot for not knowing how to use your pc properly and i would instruct you to go and get yourself a pc for dummies book...but i weird as it is, it has been a solid good afternoon so ill just tell you:

seeing you were unable to even ask how to join irc since its "failing" i presume youre not too serious about your interest in joining so my "no" still stands: no.

Wow, you can still make good and funny posts besides nogoaway, evil. I'm impressed.

/me claps.
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
Wow, you can still make good and funny posts besides nogoaway, evil. I'm impressed.

/me claps.

Wow, you can still appreciate what other people say and become impressed by other people besides Hara, Galrath. I'm impressed. /me claps aswell
This is for the Promoteams sledding contest, but I like you guys more so I'm sharing it here first.

Funnies Away!
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Last edited by nichaey; Dec 4, 2009 at 10:42 AM. Reason: Grammar fails at 5 am
Hey [NO]. Here's my application to join.

My name is Callum, I am fifteen years old (youngest of the family.) I live in Scotland (GMT 0) about 35 miles away from the nearest town, with my dad, step-mother and step-brother. I also have a sister who lives at the other side of the country and another two step-brothers. One works in a low-end restraunt as a waitor and the other one is a police officer. My mother died of breast cancer when I was twelve, two days after Christmas. I try not to let it bother me and try to ignore it but it cut me real deep and I think about it all the time. I would say that I am quite laid back and relaxed most of the time. I enjoy being around my friends, chilling, playing football, going to partys and generally socilizing with people. My friends would say I have a good sense of humour and that I enjoy a good laugh and joke but when needed I take matters seriously. I listen to a lot of music and I enjoy nearly every genre of it. Latley I've been listening to a lot of music from Rise Against, Arctic Monkeys, All That Remains, The View and Billy Talent. I played the guitar for about two and a half years but I stopped last year when my amplifier broke and I couldn't afford to buy a new one. I then lost intrest after about two or three months of not playing it. I guess I'm a fairly likeable person and I'm easy to get along with. At school I'm mainly studying physical education and technology courses like graphics, craft and design and general technology.

My interests in joining [NO] are that I find you a respectable clan with respectable members who seem quite cool. I've spoken to a few of you guys on IRC before and I found you guys good for having a conversation with and having a few chuckles with aswell. Socializing is also an interest to me within this clan. I can see that you're mainly an IRC clan, an I'm mainly an IRC person too so I found this a fairly big factor in finding a clan for myself. I also find [NO] a very desirable clan to be in.

I've been in the Toribash community for almost one year and two months now. I found Toribash through a friend who lost intrest in it after a couple of weeks but I carried on playing. I have fairly good grammar and spelling. I am very forum active and am at a reasonable level of ingame activity. I reckon I could help this clan become more active. I've hosted a couple of ingame tournanments/events/competitions and I plan to host more in the future. I am also on IRC so if you guys want, I would be obliged to join #no and get to know you guys better. I leave my IRC client open 24/7 (unless I ping during the night, then I'll re-connect when I wake up.) My nick will either be Rai, Raipie or RaiScrooge since it's near Christmas so I am fairly easy to find.

I see that you guys are more of an IRC/forum clan other than an ingame clan but I guess you'd like to know about my ingame stats too. I am currently a master belt working towards a custom belt. I have around 16100 Qi. I specilize in the mods lenshu3.tbm, aikido.tbm and teakkyon.tbm. My weakness' are judo.tbm and wushu.tbm. Mainly mods with high amounts of turn frames but I can adapt into different styles of mods. I like to mess around in SP and make a few replays but I don't consider myself to be any good despite what a couple of people have told me. I was the "[DAT] Champion" for the longest time whilst I was there and had the longest streak as champion than anyone else in the clan until I left, the [DAT] Champion thing was a little competition held in [DAT] to see who was the best ingame player. [DAT] is my only previous clan.

Well, that's me finished. If you'd like to know anything else about me or if you have any questions, just ask me here, through PM's or on IRC.

Originally Posted by evil View Post

Haha. Well I guess that's a better response than nogoaway
That is quite the application.


Yeh, just come hang around the channel.
Last edited by Delaid; Dec 22, 2009 at 10:52 PM.
Being weak on judo is blasphemy, it was the only mod we all played, and might continue playing if we can arrange a time to get ingame sometime.