ok thanks onsola and i under stand now and i have now idea what care game yall are talking about though, but i thank chocolate is nasty sometimes. it just depend on how i fell though now. and it depends on what time i get home i well prob have 1 to 2 more posts so yeah lol. if i don't put another post i well see y'all tomorrow.

bye for now
Very good onsola, you're on the right track he has indeed seen the cards, but how? It is not by marking i assure you, since he had just come into the game, with a new deck.
uppkicker: The answer to your riddle is:
Trick Question, the man was bluffing and he guessed correctly

I play cards all the time with some 20 to 10 pesos bets, but i don't know what the game is called in english.

Sorry if i've been inactive i'm getting hooked in league lmao
i can not play, but i can agree with the moderated message in your signature :/
Latin is already official what the hell, with just 4 or 5 months, is not that much.

Also new topic:
Who's your closest friend on MAU?
What I mean with this is who is the member of MAU that you play/chat/whatever you do with

Well my closest friends on here is Oxide(TRADEMAKR LOOLOL) and Onsola
I used to play a lot with Onsola, and I may come back to the game to do spars, parkours and shit. I chat a lot with Oxide(TRADEMAKR LOOLOL), just that, since we stopped fighting we laugh a lot with our memes m8
Running away...
ah good topic. (also, upp, since I don't know a lot about cards, but I tried to think about your puzzle, I'm still thinking)
My closest friend is uppkicker on the forum
seriously he's so cool. cool as in the geekiest lmao
also looterseba, he looted me
but seriously our chats are really fucking dank
i made a twist on 'blow a kiss, fire a gun, we need someone to lean on' since the lean on part is grammatically incorrect, i said:
blow a kiss, fire a gun; we need someone on which to lean.
matrx making songs grammatically correct - the series
I guess the very closest one is Onsola,he helps me alot when i get inactive or something,and is a great friend too.
bwuadz and ray-den too,they help af on the replay making area.
and torixdemon that made my vid when i was without pc <3
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592