Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
I have been told by some people that English was hard to learn, and then I have been told by other people that it is very easy. So to be honest I have no clue. It is my native language, and I am good at it. That is all I can really say.
I was practically raised in a spanish speaking home, and I can understand it more than I can speak it. In my eyes it is a difficult language. I guess it really depends on the person.

Same for me, except I'm in a half hebrew speaking home. Grandparents speak it but parent don't.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
Hey Blacki, nice to see you back mate. How're you doing?
btw, most of us are mostly active in the forums, not in the game itself anymore, so no need to feel bad about being rusty

Hey there Count, doing good right here and hope it's the same for you there. Really good to see you keep on maintaining Guardians, such a pride for the clan itself!
Well, misses you like hell and happy to see you again Count
And yea become a lil bit rusty here, trying to get my way up on replays and tourneys.

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Hey Blacki!!! Long time no see!

Soul!!! Yea it's been a long year of inactivity for me, Nice to see you still active here! DD

And.. it seems i'm not a Guardians anymore, so srry for the invades. q:
Haha yeah!
Blacki I am sure you will come back to join us? Yes?

Is it weird that I speak Italian to my Mother and I speak English to everybody that uh.. isn't my Mother? XP
She hates using English as she likes her conversations to be private xD
Black can join back... haven't reasons to quit, i guess... Except if you was kicked lol.
Anyway, i preffer english than my main language, lol.
Originally Posted by dannyrug View Post
Add tiempo at the end of sentence to make it "I hope you have a good time."

Lol, its my language I know how to talk it, it wasnt a try of translation xD

And also that spanish comes from Latin doesn't give you any advantage from "learning" it, I never knew how to speak latin, it's just like all the people do, you learn to talk on your natal language of were you live on.

Also count gustaria means I would like, the change just would be gustan* me gustan= I like them (the words) but I understood the message thanks for answering and contact with me on my own language I know it must be different for each one of us to try to talk 2 or 3 languages at time like count does.

I personally just speak Portuguese Spanish and I have to perfect my english speaking a little.
Last edited by LatinBlade; May 15, 2013 at 03:48 AM.
@Latin: pardonme compadre, pero ya no tengo classes de espanol más y es muy complicado para mi de hablar fluentamente. Pero me gusta tu correción. Espero que me entiendes
Btw, it was easier for me to learn the spanish grammar, since some things are similar to latin, for example the endings of verbs you use. I'm not saying that you can speak fluent spanish whenever you know latin, but it definetly gives you an advantage in understanding the basics of the language itself, since many languages differ in even the small things, like the position of the verb etc.
Furthermore I do think, that your english is good. At least I never had any problems to understand or to communicate with you mate ;)
@Blacki: feel free to join back in whenever you like, imma send you the invite right now ;)
Count, solo te corregiré para poder ayudarte más, por las dudas, no es por nada más que eso. perdoname* , "ya no tengo más clases* de español*" fluidamente* entiendas*
El resto del mensaje la verdad que está perfecto, y más alla de los pequeños errorcitos se entiende a la perfección count, se nota que tienes experiencia en esto ^^
And thank you very much for that last thing you said

Omg bro you are such a nice guy that I would love to keep talking to for hoursss!
Last edited by LatinBlade; May 15, 2013 at 11:59 AM.