Its not impossible, don't be lazy guys.

Imagine if Onsola makes 5 PPD
Upp makes 5 PPD
I make 5 PPD
uiri helps with 2 or 4 PPD
Active fuck(Lust) with +5 PPD
It goes for like 24 or 22, is close to 25, the key of success is active people.
Also we need Gruszex to make at least 3 or 4 PPD

Everyone is inactive in this game, the lack of activity is insane, because the people are most in the game than going on the forums.
Running away...
Well lately im making about 3 or 2 PPD,motif why im not going much ingame= i need to take care of my bros.
but i still making replays and videos(because i can stop at any time and continue later)
ill try to increase this.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
sup swee

that was pretty cool, not much to say about it really since I don't really make edits

could a bit longer tbh

also if you need any replays you can go to my thread
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well i do like 3 ppd, yeah we could reach 30 ppd but damn that would be quite spammy.

Dont worry uiri, with round 2ppd its great, 1 ppd if u are way too busy or at least 4 ppw if you are going through serius shit.

A short post is under 2 sentences (just a few words basically, less than 10), so far you havent make "short posts"

We use them all, tho my teacher right now is really shitty and doesnt explain. My grades went from 9/10 to 7/10 thanks to her.

Hey swee try to be more active man
Well,i guess we kinda need to disciss abour something now.
hm favorite country food/candy/fruit?
Mine is nammed paçoca,actually i dont have one to make screenshot, it crumbles easily,but its sweet tho.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Mm not ao sure if therenia any unique fruit from here or candy. About the food, well the gaucho pies (empanadas) which are really good and the bbq (asado) nut they arent really original. They are tho made in a special way here, bout are quite tasty
Chocolate is good.


My Bottom-deal has improved, and i have plans to turn it to good use tomorrow at lunch break, maybe i can convince some of my classmates who don't already know of my skills to play poker for candies, since i like candy, mainly chocolate. Also mints are good. Niw before you all judge me about all this cheating, i have to say this:

I mostly play genuinly, but if there's some reward for winning, and i cannot seem to beat my opponents with my very poor card-playing, i sometimes resort to "other" ways of obtaining the victory. It's really nothing major, a false shuffle here, a palm there, and the percentage of the game should, if not in my favor, have improved drastically.

Now, when i say drastically, i'm talking of perhaps, a 10-50% increase in probability of victory, which makes a great difference in the long run. Even as little as a 1% increase in odds towards your favor eventually stacks up, game after game. That's why card counting is used so much, even though it only gives the player about a 51% advantage, but multiply that by, say 15 games of blackjack and you get a pretty decent win potential.

But, unfortunatly, card counting is a pretty futile endeavor to learn here in sweden, since it's not that common, not even in casinos it seems.

A valuable, but highy discussed and difficult skill is die control, some people claim that it is indeed impossible, while others say that it is very much a reality. IT is theoretically possible, and i have heard about people in the american navy scamming their allied soldiers on the boats with help of this ruse.

So then, since i'm in the mood for stories about various ruses practiced at community games, let me share one:

The year is 1883.

The silence during a quiet spring day by the Mississippi River is disturbed by the slow rumble of a river boat, carrying booze, guns, and other commodities to be purchased by the degenerates further down in Ohio, the boats ultimate destination.
In the on-board saloon, that was covered in smog from the puffing patrons, at a table in one of the corners, sat four gamblers. It was obvious to the other guests that they were playing five card draw, a common game in these times.
Eventually a fifth person appears through the smoke and sits down at the table. He looks at the four men and asks:

"WHat are we playing?"

"Five card draw, no-limit." -One of the men answered.

The newly added player replies with:

"Allright, i'm in."

He then proceeds with first picking up a tightly packed roll of 20-dollar bills, and then again reaches in under his coat and pulls out a shiny razor knife. He opens it and puts it on the table infront of him. He then looks at all of the men, one by one as he slowly, in a threatening tone says:

"There will be no cheating here, or else i'll cut you all up(p)..."

The others swallowed nervously, and the game began.

Eventually it was the strangers turn to deal, he shuffles, let the man to his right cut, so that all of the cards are hopelessly lost in the deck. He then deals out the five cards to everyone, including himself.

The game progresses, and one after the other, they fold untill only the sranger and one of the men are left.

The stranger looks at the man, and says:

"I know your cards, you have 8 high, which won't stand a chance against my trips 10, so just hand over the pot."

Here's a puzzle for you guys, assuming everything i wrote here is true, how did the stranger know about the cards of his opponent?
Chocolate is good indeed. About that story, well maybe he saw his cards or the cards were marked. When we play truco at school we use an old deck cause u know, a new one would be expensive and boring. So i know almost all the cards thanks to the marks they have, its a fun twists to the game. Tho its easier to know what they have ny how they behave lol. Noone has a good pokerface l, i try tho

Btw sometimes if u make the ight cut u can kinda cheat, it works like 30% of the times but the posibility that the other get thengood cards is kinda high, lol