From what I've seen,
Maybe Gizo with probro had problem(s), we don't know yet who is wrong.
Desh is getting Doritos and left, so? Spar can wait. You can always spar with another random guy. Desh can spar right? if he doesn't maybe it's an alibi (No offense, I can't spar).
Yaum has a goal to a achieve, to be good at taekyon, and I think he is serious.

I think he is overreacting things.
Killjoys, make some noise!
Originally Posted by HayBale View Post
From what I've seen,
Maybe Gizo with probro had problem(s), we don't know yet who is wrong.
Desh is getting Doritos and left, so? Spar can wait. You can always spar with another random guy. Desh can spar right? if he doesn't maybe it's an alibi (No offense, I can't spar).
Yaum has a goal to a achieve, to be good at taekyon, and I think he is serious.

I think he is overreacting things.

That's what I also think, I mean.. that happens to me all the time from clan members/other players.. I think probro should be cool with things like that.
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!
Right, I think we all need to sort our selves out. Gizo, you are a bit controversial as you can say some nasty things. That needs to stop. Now. Think before you talk.

Probro. You have been quite quiet and I don't think it is fair for you to feel so left out. That isn't nice. That has to stop. Now.

I want you to both get on. The VERY last thing we want is for a massive falling out. You two are both AMAZING players and deserve to know people like us. You just do. Ok? So, sort it out. Apologize, kiss, WHATEVER!!! Just become FRIENDS again. You don't even have o play with each other, just stop trash talking. Please. Do it for me. Stay strong.
Oh yeah, one more thing, "threaten" could mean, swearing.
I swear a lot too, but only with my best friends, it's fun and help to cure awkwardness. Maybe probro is offended.
Killjoys, make some noise!
Probro over reacted. Gizo could've handled the situation better and desh, doritos are god jk, well you could've politely declined him, since I wasn't there when these things happened, I'm not one to judge yet, I want to hear from desh probro and jizzo to end this matter, want them to make up and be friends again . Qs for my taekkyon, I was training with Moop tripstone and toriobaby, but I guess that can wait, I should've played with probro first, and I already apologized for that
| Team Aikido | Team Philippines | Pure | Fluffyjack | Pain | Poko |
So many presents...
I also think he overreacted, he did the same when sparring with me
Though Gizo and Desh's actions may be wrong too
Last edited by JuaniXk; Aug 16, 2014 at 03:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
They all made their mistakes, the only thing left now is for them to make up
And juan check my request thread
| Team Aikido | Team Philippines | Pure | Fluffyjack | Pain | Poko |
So many presents...
Moar replays cuz monkeh told me to put them here.
I'm gonna put this replay here because..I was told to. It's an edit from the replay I put up yesterday. >->
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Replays stff22.rpl (429.9 KB, 10 views)
woah chill.
I also think that probro is overreacting, although I still have very little info on what actually happened. I think probro is probably havin' an emo moment and needs to learn that feeling this way is fuckin' waste of his own time. Feeling sorry for yourself is dumb, if you feel bad just do something you like so that you feel better. Stop moping around.
I'm sorry if I came off as rude, but when I'm feeling sad I remember these things.
Last edited by Grustrag; Aug 16, 2014 at 06:25 PM. Reason: misspell
hey guys just finished a parkour replay its a continuation of a parkour I had to cut short with Jmanthebig but I want to say probro I have no problem with you dude I did have to go get doritos(best snack ever) but I had to clean house after that which I did not know I had to do and my brothers took the laptop so I couldn't message you guys but I really wasnt trying to create bad blood dude I love you guys!!!!
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parkour.rpl (674.6 KB, 9 views)