Just had the weirdest game ever, we were landing some kills at the start, but then one of us disconnected right in the middle of a gank fight, we lost the fight cause of that (it was already a guaranteed 4v5, but when he left, it became a bad 3v5), we were aced, all mid turrets destroyed and inhibitor destroyed.

Some bad stuff happens (even after the guy came back), and now we lost all bot and mid and almost all top. Managed to defend but eventually they got the two nexus turrets.

Finally, 3 of my allies managed to do insane damage on 5 of them next to the nexus but they died, I was revived (was katarina), landed an ulti on them and aced them >=D

Killed a turret, but their upgraded minions weren't much help to push more.

10 minutes defending > kill most of them > another mid turret
10 minutes defending > kill most of them > another mid turret
10 minutes defending > kill most of them > another mid turret


A lot of stuff happens, managed to destroy the two nexus turrets, but our nexus was almost destroyed. Got rid of the minions next to the nexus.

3 of us were dead, they were coming to finish off our nexus through mid, blitz and I went next to them through the jungle, one of them spotted us, fuck it, flashed over to the base, they were too far to catch up, they went straight for the nexus and a couple recalled to defend, blitz died but did nice damage with his ulti, finished them off with mine and killed the nexus.

Best of all, not one turret from either bot or top were destroyed, while we lost all three lanes, yet, jungle saved us

tl;dr : Lost all 3 lanes, defended, ultied as kat, aced, pushed, defend, push, defend, turret nexus, aced, nexus.

My build was : sorcerer's shoes, hextech revolver, deathfire grasp, rabadon's deathcap x2 (<-- oh my) and another hextech revolver.

That's pretty much a "ulti = ace"
Last edited by EJM; Sep 6, 2012 at 11:36 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by daxter99 View Post
I want a new 31 champ.
What should I buy?
I'm thinking about shaco , any other options?

I'm going to need more details on your specifications plzandty
daddy kill the spider
Yesterday I had the GREATEST game ever. Our team was down all 3 inhibs, but i chipped away at solo turrets as my team held back the other team. I was 1-1-3. Then I broke to one inhib and killed it, and it all turned our way from there. It was nearly an hour long game. I was using Assassin Master Yi, and I had the items Vampiric Scepter, Phantom Dancer, Doran's Blade, Berserker's Greaves, Trinity Force, Infinity Edge. That combo works well.

Finally, is shaco a good champion, or would I be better off with another?

Also, my tori name is ElCaeko. LoL name is ItsRainingDesert, and I'm in NA region.
Last edited by ElCaeko; Sep 7, 2012 at 12:06 AM.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Counter Answer: Master Yi does that and does it faster. Both are pieces of shit against any competent team.

Nasus is fine as long as you get the one lane or something he can do well in. He's just a very, very niche pick.
Ahh shit. Should I just buy 5 bucks of RP to buy ziggs? I hardly have time to play, and i'd rather spend my time enjoying games with ziggs than trying to get ip?
Or you could just use LoL: PBE (public beta environment)... That's how I tested out Vladimir and Riven and decided that they didn't support my playstyle.

EDIT: You might not know what it is, so let me explain.

PBE is a completely different server to what any of us are using now.
You can sign up for PBE on every 1'st 2'nd and 3'rd day of the month for a new account.
A few hours past making your new account, your account will be promoted to level 30.
Every Monday, you will receive 4000 rp and 10,000 ip.

*Weekly refills of ip and rp means you can eventually test all the champions and skins
*You get to play the new champions before they are released in public servers (I played syndra 3 days ago)
*If you are serious about it, you can really contribute to the bug testing and test various parts of the game, including the shop and rune pages.

*People use this server as a means to testing out champions, so beware of trolls. Do not expect serious competition or for trolls to get suspended for long, they will be back in 30 days or may even have ten or twenty accounts as backup.
Last edited by Dose; Sep 7, 2012 at 09:06 AM.
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
*People use this server as a means to testing out champions, so beware of trolls. Do not expect serious competition or for trolls to get suspended for long, they will be back in 30 days or may even have ten or twenty accounts as backup.

*Also, seeing how it is a beta environment, you will encounter things like glitches, and completely over or under powered champions.
daddy kill the spider