Originally Posted by USB View Post

Where am I?

Oh and I'm back from the studying lolz. Test was pretty easy considering the math was a grade lower lol.

But i'm stuck doing homework.
I am not a coward so I will talk. I'm not sure if this was the main reason, but I notified IseeU about your childish behavior after losing a duel. Say what you want about me, but I know the entire truth, and I know you will try to make up many things about me to get back in Silver. But as I said before, I honestly don't care what you say because I know what happened and I feel I did what was right. So there's no use in trying to fight against me.

Also I wouldn't try to refer to IseeU as being "uncool" because you probably want back in, and if you do, you're digging your own grave, my friend.
*Athin returns to his dark corner*
~ .....Want to become a Market Squid? PM me an application!.....~
~ .....Market Squad..... | .....Administrator.....~
~.....If you have any questions PM me or DM me on Discord: athin. .....~
You have to go tattle on me getting mad at you just because I don't like you? Now think hard about that and tell me who's really being childish. As for iseeu it was clearly addressed that the process of kicking me without a stated reason was uncool not him as a whole. I hate when people go tattle to my clan whenever we have a dispute, work it out with me or get the hell over it and carry on with your day. I bet you didn't tell him about the time I had to get Marcus before you would send my item did you? Tell the truth and the whole truth before talking shit bro. Goodbye. *datsick unleashes his innermost emotions*
1, you are acting like a child, being predictable and trying to bring up every one of my flaws. You pinged in the duel when I was obviously going to win. Then you said you had a replay of it, but you lied about that when I said we look at the replay to see who won. Also, your save was based on me not moving, so if I move, which I did, your save becomes almost completely irrelevant. 2, Im not "tattling" on you because you don't like me. I feel that you at bringing a bad reputation to Silver, and that they are capable of more mature members. Also you said people have "tattled" on you before? Well, in the first place you should not give them something to be able to "tattle" about. I am not just sitting here bickering, I'm simply defending myself and bringing out the truth you are trying to hide.
~ .....Want to become a Market Squid? PM me an application!.....~
~ .....Market Squad..... | .....Administrator.....~
~.....If you have any questions PM me or DM me on Discord: athin. .....~
I don't even feel like wasting my time with you. You are as mature as a 9 year old child. If my ex-clanmates really want to listen to you then so be it. Just hop off my dick kid.
forgive my invasion. Im here because we got the same issue about Datsick, since he joined CW we got just troubles about scam reports bad behaviors in duels and such.

Its kinda annoying that in game as in forum almost every week we got some complaint about him from other players

Originally Posted by Datsick View Post
I don't even feel like wasting my time with you. You are as mature as a 9 year old child. If my ex-clanmates really want to listen to you then so be it. Just hop off my dick kid.

actually you are a magnet for this kind of troubles... but from your point of views and how you try to put it down every time its the other guys fault.
I can understand if happens coupple or few times but this are getting quite a lot.. and the ppls who start to think you are childish and a sore loser are getting up by numbers.

This is the second clan you get kicked from cause of your duel behavior.

Maybe its time to look a bit at your self and ask whats wrong.

and dont ask for explanations... think about how you acting in game.. and you will get the reason both silver and cw kicked you.

Last time i warned you with "I dont want to hear again about you getting in trouble cause of duels"
"It wont happen again" was your reply... not even 12 hr after someone posted a report about you leaving a started duel cause you lost a game.

you becoming a pain in the ass for admins and others ppl which have to deal with your dickish actions.

If im not wrong 1handclap even saved you by paying a duel you lost and couldnt cover.

I gave you some TC which u promised to give back and I've never seen again.

now... get in your corner and think about your self and what you did or just say to everyone we are a dickish comunity and you will stop playing toribash.

I totally support the silver leaders decision of kicking you.
Last edited by Chikin; Mar 15, 2012 at 01:38 PM.
Oh my...
I hate to invade, but I thought I would give my opinion.

Datsick: Unless you guy accepted by USB again, I would like to suggest you take a break from clans. Before applying for a clan you need a reputation with members of a community, make some friends, earn some trust, and other actions essential to your reputation on an online community. If you don't take these steps, you will be viewed as a wild card to whoever you apply to. I'm not judging you, nor USB for accepting you, because there was something he liked about you for hom to invite you.

As for the dueling situation I see what has happened and I can see where these membere are coming from. I watched as your match with athin spirals into a dispute of who was right or wrong. In my opinion, this was a very pathetic display, on both sides. I am going to avoid going into detail or pick sides, but like chicken89 said, please consider how yiu might have screwed up or what you can do to fix it.

It's also suprising to know that that I am nit the only one you have a debt to pay toward. Dueling with items or tc you didnt own and suprising someone with a loan is not the correct way to play, and especially not a good reputation maker.

Aside from everything I just said if there is one thing I can suggest, it would be to take a break.

/invade \o/