Thanks Dan. Not being socially awkward together was the goal I had in mind too.
League of Legends NA: Locus
Good activity in IRC today everyone. At one point there were 8 TLDR dudes there. I love being social with you guys. Good to see our allies in there often too.

For all those concerned, my pecker has recovered. I will be more precise applying deep heat from now on...
Hello forumés, market bots are now illegal again thanks to our great lord, I'm editing our dsc on that subject as well as thinking on a new way to profit from the forums and yet follow the rules.
Originally Posted by IIInsanEEE View Post
Hello forumés, market bots are now illegal again thanks to our great lord, I'm editing our dsc on that subject as well as thinking on a new way to profit from the forums and yet follow the rules.

R.I.P. thank you based Solax. No more bullshit in market
Art thread | Don't bother me with requests etc, this artist died.
Ho hum. Alrighty then, what do you guys reckon'? How could we generate an income stream? You know, now that the market bots are gone, the market's sort of like the wild, wild west. Free-for-all open game - we could carve out a chunk of it for ourselves. Does anyone have experience with marketing?

But yeah, also, any other ideas on how to improve our clan's bottom line?
Last edited by Ele; Mar 17, 2015 at 02:13 PM.
Hey Ele, I feel like we should leave the racism thread open. Their not really breaking any rules or annoying anyone and it seems like they are enjoying themselves. We can't have too high expectations of the discussion forum since this forum is a service to the members of the community and there are no standard restrictions on who can be part of that community. Just keeping it clean is enough for the discussion section, since I doubt we will ever be able to keep it classy. We should not moderate as idealists we should moderate as guardians, and I don't feel like we need to be guardians against immature posts when so many members are immature people.

Not entirely sure why I am posting it here rather than via PM, I thought maybe we could get some of the members involved in this talk about discussion forum post standards since as a clan we care so much about standards of composure and discussions. How tolerant should we be of people being silly in the discussion thread?

Oh by the way, in a week I am going on a 5 day biology field trip to Devon or some such swamp to look at lichen so I am unlikely to be able to remain active during that time. I hope that's ok. Thanks.

After the field trip I have a holiday so might have more time to host betting servers to raise clan savings and stuff, but I also have a lot of revision to do so no promises.
Last edited by Zelda; Mar 17, 2015 at 12:45 PM.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Ho hum. Alrighty then, what do you guys reckon'? How could we generate an income stream? You know, now that the market bots are gone, the market's sort of like the wild, wild west. Free-for-all open game - we could carve our a chunk of it for ourselves. Does anyone have experience with marketing?

But yeah, also, any other ideas on how to improve our clan's bottom line?

I have marketting experience. I may open up a thread and go crazy so we can get some good dough.
If you're confident in it, you can use some of the bank funds as the starting investment. Same goes with anyone else who thinks they'll be able to turn a profit.

Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Hey Ele, I feel like we should leave the racism thread open. Their not really breaking any rules or annoying anyone and it seems like they are enjoying themselves.

They are. Rule C (personal digs).

Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
We should not moderate as idealists we should moderate as guardians, and I don't feel like we need to be guardians against immature posts when so many members are immature people.

We'll uphold the standards the rules dictate. Pig and BP have shown blatant disrespect for those rules many times, and I've been very clear with everyone in Discussion that I won't tolerate the breaking of Rule C (personal digs). They've ignored that, and now the thread's closed because of them. It's about making Discussion less vicious and more welcoming.
Last edited by Ele; Mar 17, 2015 at 01:01 PM.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Ho hum. Alrighty then, what do you guys reckon'? How could we generate an income stream? You know, now that the market bots are gone, the market's sort of like the wild, wild west. Free-for-all open game - we could carve our a chunk of it for ourselves. Does anyone have experience with marketing?

But yeah, also, any other ideas on how to improve our clan's bottom line?

Noir, Jodus and Myself have some good experience on selling art, we always can stack up prices of forces/relaxes/full sets by putting some art to fit it.

Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Not entirely sure why I am posting it here rather than via PM, I thought maybe we could get some of the members involved in this talk about discussion forum post standards since as a clan we care so much about standards of composure and discussions. How tolerant should we be of people being silly in the discussion thread?

I think you guys could ask us to pimp up a discussion thread when it becomes too dirty or if people are losing the focus, speaking for myself I find it really hard to post on the discussion board since people are 100% certain of their bullshit and don't even consider changing their opinion or worse than that they absolutely ignore useful posts that brings down their argument (yea, I have some scars). But again, if TL;DR ask for me to help, I will with everything that I've got.