Originally Posted by migitetho View Post
what abou judo

Due to the close engage distance of judo, luck has a strong part in winning. Because of this, it's better to use good moves instead of just winging it like in aikido. However, it all depends on how your move conflicts with your opponent's move.

I suggest you develop your own moves instead of using someone else's. That way, people won't know what's coming.
Originally Posted by AgentP View Post
Aikido isn't about moves or openers, just counter what your opponent is doing.

Edit: Ask and you shall receive. I just played like 50 games with a guy who's absolutely amazing at relaxed-style and I now have my own little collection of replays. Still, if you wanna show me any good ones, you can PM me or reply or whatever may be the case.

On that note, think you could maybe point me in the direction of some relaxed-style Aikido replays or videos somewhere? I don't do well with held-style, and there aren't many people that play relaxed for me to observe or play with.

Oh, and, hi, I'm new. Been accepted but not formally invited yet. Hope it's okay that I'm posting here.
Last edited by RikazeMA; Sep 4, 2011 at 05:33 AM.
my best mod is jousting i have even beated: blue abd black belts so if anyone needs a good move fo that ask me cause my one always works well atl east 90% of the time
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending
Originally Posted by migitetho View Post
my best mod is jousting i have even beated: blue abd black belts so if anyone needs a good move fo that ask me cause my one always works well atl east 90% of the time

Belt doesn't matter. Want to hear a story? Back when I first joined, I met a guy who was a green belt, but fought better than I do today. I thought he was pretending to be new so he could reap the TC, but he actually joined a clan with the account, thus proving me wrong.

Belt shows experience, not skill.
well in my experience in jousting i have learned a good move but only for the start move for the rest of the round on rely on luck
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending
I think in jousting, feet and hands up front, torso and head at the rear, is the best thing to do.
That's what i did to beat everyone in jousting.

Last edited by Robber7275; Sep 5, 2011 at 09:32 AM.
Originally Posted by Robber7275 View Post
I think in jousting, feet and hands up front, torso and head at the rear, is the best thing to do.
That's what i did to beat everyone in jousting.


I feel like despite the inactivity that ya'all are tryin' really hard to make this a good place for newbies. One step at a time.
Originally Posted by raffy83 View Post
umm i just joined soooo what do i do now

You post around the board following the topic of the other posts.