Amazing! You should teach people, of course you'd have to charge.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
homadamn, is that some sort of female ronald mcdonald creation?
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Not bad deadmau. It looks great for a WIP. Cant wait to see how it turns out.

I'm currently reading and practising from the unibash art threads, I'm currently practising sigs
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

nice deadmau.
P.S: you need an avatar. Well you dont need one but it would be good if you got one

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
He has one. Dont you see it? That little purple dot.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.