Oh god a decent app :3


You seem cool. Although c3 already has a bot.

I love your app. You have a pretty good chance.
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by Tewi View Post

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
this seems like an appropriate time to say smd

so smd

What does "smd" stand for?

Originally Posted by LolercoasterS View Post
Hello my name is LolercoasterS, I would like to join this clan; C3.
I know at first my join date and post count would be taken into question which would make this application seem skeptical to some of you but I assure you I am an alternate account (as my main is currently unavailable). I am a black belt in the game and I sadly don't have a lot of tc. I am a relaxed person who likes listening to experimental music and playing games in his spare time with the occasion of programming which I am new to at the moment. Though my activity might waver at times as I like to take long trips (camping for serveral days) frequently, I will be as loyal as can be to this clan. Though I may not offer a lot of talent (e.g art, etc.) I am always a hard worker and I will try my best at any given task, I could maybe make a C3bot for your IRC channel if you want?
Please take this application into consideration as this is one of my firsts.

You have decent grammar and an ability to use the English language to a higher extent than most of our recent applicants. It's about time someone posts an application that meets the criteria to even be read.

Certainly, your join date and post count deters me from saying yes.

I have already met you in the past (originally met another alternate account of yours, AND your original account). Could you elaborate on why it is currently unavailable/banned?

Our activity wavers significantly. Posting at least once a day is our requirement/whatever you would like to call it.

Why did you choose C3 above other clans?

Since I have already seen you play, I can say that your level of skill is somewhat decent to pretty high.

Elaborate on the reason that your main is not available (and if possible, provide a link to the user card of your original account), and the question posted above, and I'll give you a yes.

It appears that I have mistaken his account for another. As he has also stated,
Originally Posted by LolercoasterS
I would like to withdraw my app because I am not eligible to join this clan

I would have still kept my positive neutral due to the fact that you actually took more time out than many of the previous applicants to write your application. Oh well.
Last edited by LastGod; Feb 21, 2011 at 08:12 PM.
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Totally didn't mention YOU at all.

Originally Posted by marcolepro View Post
Umm,i speak english o.0

Originally Posted by marcolepro View Post
Oh i dont see this xD sorry,

"If you get my alt banned, I'll kill you."
I am sorry to say this but Lastgod I you must have confused main account with another.
I would like to withdraw my app because I am not eligible to join this clan though I would be more than honored if you use this application as an example if you think it is worthy.
Name: Jackyz (call me Jack)
Age: 17
Playercard: 100 post mine once I
get on my pc
Why I want to join: well, quite
recently my clan has fallen apart.
I'm looking for a new clan and C3
has always been on my eye. I
know alot of the members in C3.
I've got to know them whilst i've
been disciding to join. I'm not
joining because you have just
become offical. I've kept my eye
on C3 for a while now. I wanted
to choose an active clan, and C3
is veery active.
Why I think you will accept me:
well, why wouldn't you choose
me. I'm a very socail person, I can
make friends quickly. I like to buy
art from the forums such as clan
pictures and alsorts. I make some
of my own art at times aswell.
I'm a very technical person, I'm
very smart and can help with clan
situations. I buy tc alot, I also
donate alot. I'm active on the
forum all the time, aswell as
ingame. I'm very skilled at
toribash, and am able to teach
others my skills. I'm very loyal
and would be in this clan for a
long time
No ToriPrime,No Image Signature
Originally Posted by Mig33 View Post
Name: Jackyz (call me Jack)
Age: 17
Playercard: 100 post mine once I
get on my pc
Why I want to join: well, quite
recently my clan has fallen apart.
I'm looking for a new clan and C3
has always been on my eye. I
know alot of the members in C3.
I've got to know them whilst i've
been disciding to join. I'm not
joining because you have just
become offical. I've kept my eye
on C3 for a while now. I wanted
to choose an active clan, and C3
is veery active.
Why I think you will accept me:
well, why wouldn't you choose
me. I'm a very socail person, I can
make friends quickly. I like to buy
art from the forums such as clan
pictures and alsorts. I make some
of my own art at times aswell.
I'm a very technical person, I'm
very smart and can help with clan
situations. I buy tc alot, I also
donate alot. I'm active on the
forum all the time, aswell as
ingame. I'm very skilled at
toribash, and am able to teach
others my skills. I'm very loyal
and would be in this clan for a
long time


Your 17 and you make a application like that.. -.-

GTFO.. please.