Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
My Slark is starting to become very competitive.
Twice in a row there has been ragequits because they simply cannot do anything.
Such an amazing hero, lane till six or seven, most of the time you can get one or twoo kills by then.
Then simply roam and snowball till you're godlike.

I usually end with ~20 / 0-3 / ~10 but lately people left before I could get to 20.
It feels so good knowing that you're invulnerable for four seconds, it's so rare for me to die on Slark now.

I'm also randoming every single time now, getting real comfortable with all the heroes.

Just did a game where I was a support Elder Titan, my combo won us all but one of the teamfights, it feels so good!

Will try to start up Ranked now, I'm curious what kind of score I'd get.

Any tips for Invoker, btw? That's the only one I'm still scared of playing.

Ah, Invoker, one of the few heroes I used to be scared to fight or to play. Now I don't mind either.

You could try its kinda fun and helps you a ton with his spells.

Anyways, who do you guys think will win TI4? I think it will be close between DK Empire and EG, but Alliance and NaVi could appear up in the top 3 as well. DK is looking REALLY strong but sometimes they just mess up. Also, Newbee are killing DK in every game, that might be a slight problem. If Fear plays as well as he used to, I think EG will have a really good shot. I hope they win.
Invoker is a hero ive been practising alot lately, but i havent really tried him out much in a proper game. he's an intimidating hero...

played a support pheonix game yesterday, havent really played him much and cringed when i rolled him for one of my compendium heroes, but i really enjoyed the game, hes an amazing team fight hero, and with a team that has good crowd control, he is just scary as.

looking at it now, DK have it in the bag. they still have a boot camp to go through and are probably slowing down to rest up for TI4, so i wouldnt let their performances concern you too much.

Empire and eG are too inconsistant, no way they could make it through the event without throwing. personally think fear is overated.

navi have gone into the past 2 TIs "off their game" and still managed to come 2nd, so I would never count them out. sure, last year they still managed to win a few tournaments befor TI3, but they were still dropping games agaisnt shit teams, throwing hard and struggling to keep up with the meta.
so i wouldnt count them out.
theyr all getting old now aswell, in terms of gamers, so they may consider retiring soon. their lack of adapting to the constant change in meta in the past 2 years has been showing, the meta is too controlling, limiting puppys unconventional picks

these stretch goals for the compendium are amazing btw, and the item drops and battle bonus is well worth the 10$ investment. dropped 10$ into points and got 15 load screens from it, cant wait for the immortal items etc.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I don't think EG and Empire are inconsistant. Rox.Kis or whole SEA doto is inconsistant(Fucking scythe loosing to zephyr and winning vs Arrow and Orange wtf). EG and Empire always play at least decent.
About Fear, I really don't know. He played few matches(SADBOYS) with them like 3 months ago. Its really hard to say how he will perform. I think that DK are the best contenedrs now, Empire and EG are follow ups.
I would love to see Arrow, Titan(im a fan of sea doto), Fnatic and Mouz to do well.

And yay 1v1 tournament
Last edited by SunR1se; May 18, 2014 at 12:19 AM.
Nice, a good pudge just ruins games.

rediscovered how stupidly OP tiny is.

by 25 minutes I had nothing, was being stupid, failing the relocate gangs, was 2-4-6.
decided to go farming, finished my aghs and blink while tinker wrecked the map, then totally walked over the enemy team and decimated the towers, dat 9.8k tower damage.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Tiny good hero.

Good early, good mid, good late, good hero.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
no room for stupid though.
toss fails are brutal.

unless you're farmed, in which case, it doesnt matter.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
A really alternative build for tiny.
Yeah, I've been really messing around all the game, didn't play it seriously at all. Anyways, Armlet + MoM + Vlad + ogre's bloodlust is a really awesome combo.