Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Welcome, i'll mess you up real good
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by GalaxyMN View Post
Welcome shiclsjaigtbaiwtwRUBER

Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
Welcome, i'll mess you up real good

Originally Posted by masterx3 View Post
Welcome Schicklburger

Thank you all
Originally Posted by MpoNori View Post
Because why not?
He's indeed a good guy

Thankyou Mpo Nori , I appreciate your opinion

Originally Posted by GalaxyMN View Post
Isagraha a.k.a enj0i133

I know you very much,you'v been very helpfull to me,you helped me alot when i was a newbie.

Farewell,yes for you
Reasons are obvious,but still,i'll explain

You have some potential to show off. You're a great artist,we need more talented persons in this organisation,unlike others newbie organisation.I'v seen alot of arts from you,and it's absolutely all great,you have shown also your activity alot within the facebook community. Seeing you rarely online in facebook,i'm counting it as active aswell in whole internet,but i would suggest you to be more active on the game as well as in forum,not only facebook.

Your status in facebook are very funny,and i know your sense of humors

Over all,you're such a great person.

It's a ''yes'' for you

Thankyou GalaxyMN , I'm very active in the game ,
If you want to play with me in game, please go ahead

Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
@Isagraha: Neutral. I have no idea who you are so uh yea

do I need to introduce myself to you jokerstein ?
__________________________________________________ _______

Congratulation Schicklgruber

Last edited by jokerstein; Jun 22, 2013 at 11:28 PM.
I'm Getting Fired Up . .!

Dont klick this

Originally Posted by enj0i33 View Post
Thankyou Mpo Nori , I appreciate your opinion

Thankyou GalaxyMN , I'm very active in the game ,
If you want to play with me in game, please go ahead

do I need to introduce myself to you jokerstein ?
__________________________________________________ _______

Congratulation Schicklgruber


Ngakak gw liat comment nya jokar, btw kalo belum diterima disini jangan nge-post dulu, karena itu bisa mengurangi kesempatanmu untuk masuk ke sini (saran). atau kamu sudah diterima disini?
u wot m8
Ty, enj0i33
sepertinya saya pernah bertemu anda in-game. Tapi kita tidak bermain bersama, kamu quit waktu itu(kalo ga salah)..

Saya boleh nge-vote kan?

But neutral for now..
Originally Posted by 456654 View Post
Ngakak gw liat comment nya jokar, btw kalo belum diterima disini jangan nge-post dulu, karena itu bisa mengurangi kesempatanmu untuk masuk ke sini (saran). atau kamu sudah diterima disini?

saat itu saya lupa.. >.< , maklum abis pensiun main lagi :P , dan saya belum diterima disini .. ,tetapi saya akan berusaha melakukan terbaik yang saya bisa lakukan agar dapat masuk diorganisasi ini

Originally Posted by masterx3 View Post
Trial? But neutral for now

Thank's for your Vote Master

Originally Posted by Schicklgruber View Post
Ty, enj0i33
sepertinya saya pernah bertemu anda in-game. Tapi kita tidak bermain bersama, kamu quit waktu itu(kalo ga salah)..

Saya boleh nge-vote kan?

But neutral for now..

kayaknya sih .. , soalnya saya juga belum tahu siapa anda , mungkin jika kita bertemu in game anda bisa menyapa atau saya akan menyapa anda
btw thank's for your vote
I'm Getting Fired Up . .!

Dont klick this