Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The various people you will meet on league:

The "Pro" - Watches ALL the streams, is "friends with CLG and M5" (actual quote from a person in normals (he wasn't even ranked)) and is somehow always aware of how bad you are, even though he's doing exponentially worse than you. Don't worry though, it's only because you suck and not because he's bought boots 3 and engages every person imaginable as a 1v2/3/4/5. It's never his fault, because he's too pro at this game. He'll also announce this to the world. Several times. In all caps once somebody states disbelief at his claims. Average ELO will range from 1200-1400 (HE'S ABOVE AVERAGE SO HE MUST BE GOOD)

The Blind Deaf Mute - Does absolutely nothing except stupid plays. Never communicates, never says anything, just does whatever they want, which usually involves initiating a team fight by attacking the tank.

The Fails-With-Easy-Mode - Plays with the easiest champions in the game (read as Darius), and builds according to the recommended every time. Loses his lane, and does nothing in team fights except KS everything. By the end of the game, he's absolutely useless, yet somehow he's the best player on the team according to him because he has all the kills. Never mind the fact he did absolutely no damage for each of those kills except for one skill.

The Foreign Guy - Plays the game, ranging from absolutely horrible, to actually quite good. Doesn't matter though, because whenever he tries to communicate, nobody understands. Impossible to coordinate anything with him, because of the language barrier.

The Troll - Probably has a small penis, so he takes out his frustration by making everybody else feel frustrated. Quite honestly... it works. Deliberately loses, jabs at everybody, and is the most asinine person on the planet.

The Average Joe - He's not half bad. Most of the people you meet will be this guy (hopefully). He communicates, he plays well, and he's not too upset when he loses. He might get irritable from time to time, but he's normally a good guy to play with.

The Real Pro - This guy has an ELO over 9000. No matter how well you play, he will always play better. You may have a 5k gold advantage over him, but he'll still wipe the floor with you, and come out with full health. His farm is 300 cs 5 minutes in. His average score at 20 minutes in is illegible, because the score system isn't large enough to list those numbers. He's turret diving you in spawn by the end of the game, usually 20 minutes in because everybody on your team is trying desperately to leave the game before they get torn another asshole. Quite honestly, 5 assholes are enough, you don't need that 6th one.

The Premades - These guys will probably choose either jungle/top and top/mid or support and ad carry. Because of this, they will either roll the entire game, or they will absolutely feed that lane. It's never their fault though, because they're premade. They're coordinated, so they can't be bad. It's because jungle/top/mid/bot/spectators aren't assisting them when they need it.

The Insta Rage - He's 5/0 one moment, but the second he hits 5/1, he's gone, never to come back. Don't gank when he pings your map 50 times in one second? He's gone. Accidently give blue buff to the guy he's against in lane? Gone. Don't give him blue buff? Gone. He suddenly doesn't want to play Teemo anymore? Gone. Is the only guy to die in the teamfight, but you're about to win the game? Surrender vote. Everything and anything causes this guy to go over the edge and rage quit. His average time spent in game is only 10 minutes because of this.

The Bestest Friend You Will Ever Find on the Internet Ever - This guy is a bro. He doesn't play the best, but he's one hell of a good guy. You don't win an exchange? "aw, nt" Getting chased by 5 of the enemy team? He'll rush in to draw them off. After all, he's the support and you're the ad carry. You have to live on. He'll ward wherever you want, whenever you want, and all with a smile. Every game he starts with gl;hf and he means it. Every game is a good game to him. It's a pity he has a social life, otherwise you'd play with him on League all day.

And several other people. It's like Pokemon, you gotta catch'em all.

You forgot the guy who has an pro account in another region, and just trolls here. Or the guy who is laning against you, and always survives with 10 hp
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Oracle. I found the most bestest friends aroun 1.5k... Thats where the nicest and closest to doing stuff right people were... at least from my experience.
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The Real Pro - This guy has an ELO over 9000. No matter how well you play, he will always play better. You may have a 5k gold advantage over him, but he'll still wipe the floor with you, and come out with full health. His farm is 300 cs 5 minutes in. His average score at 20 minutes in is illegible, because the score system isn't large enough to list those numbers. He's turret diving you in spawn by the end of the game, usually 20 minutes in because everybody on your team is trying desperately to leave the game before they get torn another asshole. Quite honestly, 5 assholes are enough, you don't need that 6th one.

i got lucky enough to see one of these ones, 5 kills after 3 mins. ended game with 400 cs and 30 kills... thank god he was on my team
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
Oracle. I found the most bestest friends aroun 1.5k... Thats where the nicest and closest to doing stuff right people were... at least from my experience.

AHAHAHAHAHA fuck that shit. I can tell you this from personal experience.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
AHAHAHAHAHA fuck that shit. I can tell you this from personal experience.

okay.... there is no nice elo...
Ive tried several times on all elos... there is none... but closest to be nice is 1.5k-1.7k
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
They still do above 2k.
Youll also meet me mid or feed people around 2.2k or people you ask yourself why< they got there... and everyone rages at everything
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
ok, so i found out swain beats yrick top, long pokes, dots, snare, ult, gg.

in that same game i got a belated penta
I have never gotten a penta sadly.
My closest being a Quadra kill i got as Caitlyn.
My second closest, I forget the champion, but I got a triple, about to get quadra, friend who knows I've never gotten a penta sees this and steals it intentionally, then I proceed to get a single kill a few seconds later that would've been chained together with my previous kills if I had got the stolen kill.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
I have never gotten a penta sadly.
My closest being a Quadra kill i got as Caitlyn.
My second closest, I forget the champion, but I got a triple, about to get quadra, friend who knows I've never gotten a penta sees this and steals it intentionally, then I proceed to get a single kill a few seconds later that would've been chained together with my previous kills if I had got the stolen kill.

Dunno how many times I've said this.
But ed stole my Talon penta with an olaf flash + axe throw.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks