Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
you could go with an i5 processor, a med graphics card and around 4gb of RAM for ~500 bucks. with that equip you're probably able to play medium quality games with a good graphic and do your daily activity pretty fast.

Thanks Count. I'll go look for that.

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
*cough* *cough*

Thanks. I'll go have a look.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
my new laptop was 700, and it was a great deal. It has a Nvidia graphics card with 2gb of dedicated memory which is better than most destops.
A hasbeen like the rest
You have no idea how good this made me feel about choosing Jax, I solo'd the Vile Spider thing and stole all their jungle repeatedly to the point that as soon as they saw me they ran in the opposite direction. They daren't come near me as I could take on their whole team alone XDDDDDDD
Nice suggestion Count
Hope we get to 3v3 again sometime soon, I assure you I practiced Jax a lot.
That, and I think Ryze, Jax and Trynd make a good team.


No... i should put it in my sig, but my sig alredy have an nice one... I think that it's better stay just with a art.
I feel out of this topic about LoL and that stuffs, just telling that I don't even know what the hell to say atm xD but I read all the posts
We're in the same position, Latin.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.