Ofc there's much more than this but my point is it's not gonna magically dissapear by getting mature. Heck, there are people that became mature when they were a teenager, yet there are alot of dumb grown ups.
Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that things are certain ways, but learning how to deal with "bad stuff" is not a final solution, it's simply ignoring it for the most part.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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Ignoring it is worse case scenario^^

Also, i don't see the connect between depression and maturity. A mature person can become depressed, and vise versa. In theory a mature person can go through depression, and still retain their maturity. Even if slightly altered. Maturity is something way different from depression imo

Definition of mature is: "fully developed physically; full-grown."
Definition of depression is:

So if we are going with the literal definition, it doesn't make sense. However, if we're speaking "mentally mature" then it still doesn't make sense.

When you say "he's acting mature" or "he's always mature", it's generalized. No one can possibly have the mental strength to constantly have rational reasoning on the daily. It puts too much stress on the person, and will possibly lead them to depression because of it. That's why people snap, or rant, or anything of the sort. To take way some of the stress. Those actions then seem "uncharacteristic" or immature. Because it looks like it's not of rational reasoning, it's unorthrodox.

Same can go with getting out of depression. You can say "they were mature enough to get out of it", when in reality they could've gotten out if it sooner. You can't say "they gained the maturity to get out of it", everyone has the maturity to do anything. It just a matter of if they can mentally do that. Which is why there are professionals that help, have studied, and have evidence OF their study.

Everyone is mature, someone's level of maturity isn't static. It's constantly changing. Someone can be immature, yet still not be depressed. Saying maturity is related to depression doesn't make sense to me.
Are you gonna keep this going? Because I'm not.
All I did was offer help...
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are we really keep talking about depressing even when there is no one with this illness here? I understand the necessity to clarify things but if you don't have any experience in first hand (I don't know if this expression works in english though), you shouldn't talk with property about depression. It's quite easy to misunderstand things when it comes to depression and no one here is expert in this area Pat, no >:^(
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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my first accounts (I thought it was this one but isn't) was Jake4. Then I created mateus159 (Lionet) a couple months later and migrated to RedAndreyoshi after meeting EvilTorified and his alt, BlueAndreyoshi.

Man, I miss those days sparring with him :^(
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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I remember actually being active in tb. Would play 6 hours a day lmao
Now I only play once a blue moon
I have some random alts that I don't even know the password anymore too


and many more

I don't regret it, fuck off
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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My only accounts were boofbutt, cokepoke, and then karbn. My only alt after that is navi
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord