They haven't told you that you will be getting all the kills on your team and they will be sadface.
Get her, you can even beat Talon.
daddy kill the spider
> Don't play league for a couple weeks/month
> Play a couple matches
> Best player in every single one

Dafuk my sense of logic just went out the window and fell into the sky.

Seriously, even though I lose a couple, in every single one I'm the only who seems to have a brain stem. Bot lane is getting stomped because of a shittastic lb support? Better gank top so our Darius can beat the double dorans shield Teemo. Besides, it's not like the enemy support has no room for wards in her inventory, or that they're permanently overextended past river. Or that you're Maokai, a ganking jungle. That's cool, you can just farm the jungle in your spare time.

Or how about, I'm Panth top against a Malphite. It's fucking Malphite, I should already be losing this matchup. Fucking NOPE. Dead even, I push him back if anything, although our jungle never ganked even when he pushed out or was out of mana. I'm getting ganked out the ass though. Three times ganked by Rengar jungle with his ult and Malph's ult combined. Twice ganked by, literally, THE ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM. Bot took the 40 seconds necessary to cross the entire fucking map just so that they could assist in tower diving a lone Panth who is 0/3. Twice. Doesn't fucking matter though because once the team fights start, I instantly went from 0/5 to 5/5 in the first (and only) team fight (instasurrender).

Or how about going fucking EZ top against an olaf, and causing him to rage afk after one death because the fool keeps chasing me when I'm juking him out the ass.

Or going jungle Nunu and stomping the enemy Jayce top when our cho dcs 2 minutes into the game because fuck Jayce couldn't land shit against anything short of the broad side of a barn and required Shen to ult on top of him every time his ult came up because that fucking moron would facecheck EVERY BUSH IN EXISTENCE DESPITE THE FACT I WAS ALWAYS ULTING IN IT.

Seriously, when did everybody get so fucking retarded in this game :/ I even did half decent in a game as fucking jungle MF
Last edited by Oracle; Sep 3, 2012 at 07:35 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I went Ryze jungle with my friend as Tryndamere with me in the jungle. Splitting the creeps and what not. Neither of us had smite, we didn't invade the enemy jungle once (despite the enemy team not having a jungler), and they surrendered at about 35:00 because they were getting their asses kicked.

p.s. tryn got only phantoms dancers

Moral of the story: people are retarded, Oracle.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post

Seriously, even though I lose a couple, in every single one I'm the only who seems to have a brain stem.

story of my life bro

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

>Went bot with volibear and a tristina for support
>Raped darius, annie and graves in 3v2 laning the entire game
Dose is dead.
Jungle MF is surprisingly effective. Get boots of mobility and a pd, you are literally ganking everything at all moments of the game. People need to put wards in the middle of the freaking river to have enough time to react to you strutting your stuff out of the jungle.

AD carry MF is also too stonk. Last team fight at baron, we engaged somewhat poorly, so all 5 of us get melted from the enemy varus. I take out Darius and Diana, and bring Rengar and Warwick down to low health. I have a GA. I'm about to spawn with Rengar and WW right on top of me, with a fullhealth varus standing at the back. 650 health. Varus has just killed 3 of our team; he's looking for the quadra. As soon as I spawn, hit W, AA rengar. One shot dead. Change to ww before he's even attacked. One shot dead. Turn to varus, who's fired off one shot. I'm down to 200 after that. His next shot will kill me. I have almost double his AS, so I fire off two shots and a Q before he fires his second shot. I three shot him from full health. He kills me, I kill him. He gets a quadra, I get a penta. SUCK IT VARUS.
Last edited by Oracle; Sep 3, 2012 at 05:02 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games