I agree with Goughy, though seeing as you didn't check with kratos first was sort of silly.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Originally Posted by goughy1210 View Post
Kratos that was blatantly needed check how many people we have in the clan and how many are actually here.

No, we have actually a lot of active people and you can easily check it, it'll be needed cause a lot of guys went inactive. Activity checks is something that you gerally use to keep with the clan alive when it's inactive.

Originally Posted by Kershner View Post
I agree with Goughy, though seeing as you didn't check with kratos first was sort of silly.

It don't make any sense.
It does make sense, we should know the amount of people that do not post .-.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

As being The Almighty Purple Squid, I demand that we have cake.

Chocolate Cake.
With Purple Icing.
Creati0n. As being The Leader, I'll get someone to make us this cake.
Goughy, Kershy we need you to make us a cake, kgo kgo.