This looks like a sort of joke.... I dont know why but that way of writing remindes me.of someone.. Those accs are quite recent tho,

Welp at.least.more.ppl showed up and started posting

Its still 13 here as well, 15 is 2 days, well a couple of hojrs and a day. One of my frineds will be 17 this friday 15, maybe we will watch dead pool at his house idk

Anyone feels like bringing up a topic or sth?
Btw welcome to the leadership of mau eki
Last edited by Onsola; Apr 13, 2016 at 11:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
is it a coincidence that Mau is a city in India and I live in India?
I think not!
thank you for exposing mau, poster. we appreciate your efforts and will now lurk in the dark.
but seriously, get the fuck away from my dudes and especially lust (hi eki)

oh and also guys, what do you think about the killing of animals for research/cosmetic purposes

where the shit is my co leader rank
Lol, its definitely a coincidence goddamn

also (MAU) is a gang, a gang of good debaters lol

i got a joke:

Grandpa: Your generation relies on technology
Me: No, YOUR generation relies on technology
*I unplugged his lifesupport


Joke 2:

How to annoy and archaeologist:

Give him a used tampon and ask him:
"From which period is this?"

Insert lenny face here =)
Can i be a clan ally? Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssseeeee
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Apr 14, 2016 at 12:07 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Man, i've got a real pain in the neck (litteraly).

I don't see a problem with killing animals for cosmetic or research purposes as long as it is done in a humane way.
Its not 15 yet, I promoted eki caise the 15 ill be busy from 6am till 6pm so yh hewill do most of the changes probably

Well they are animala raised to be killed so yh, deal with it. Hunting in the other hand is not so 'ok' but yeah its ok to wear leather, after all ur killing the cow to eat it lol. Idk bout the proces but here we eat lots of meat and use the leather of those cows we kill. Its not a bad thing, its the way its supposed to be, one animal eat the other ouh well u know how it works
Yep, circle of life.


I now have a 4/5 success rate with the one handed shuffle, and i i may just need another days practice to get it competely right.
i asked that question to up(p) activity
also here are some more

Do you believe people are basically lazy or hardworking and why?

How will you earn your fifteen minutes of fame?

What talent would you like to have more than anything?

What are the “teachers” and “classrooms” in life and what should we do to earn an “A” in life?

If 100 people your age were chosen at random, how many do you think would be leading a life more satisfying than yours?

What is the most boring thing you can imagine doing?

Do you believe that playing is more important than winning?
Damn mat so many questions, ill answer one or two and the other tommorrow

I think that most ppl are lazy since its easier that way. Why would you make an effor? Its just a waste of time and energy. Welp I dont consider miself to be lazy, I try to give yhe best of my most of the time at almost all I do. They day I give 110percent of what i can at everything I do, tha day I.might consider myself hardworking.

Well I have a quite unique (dumn) personality, that or maybe when Instart working as engeneer idk. If u mean fame in tb, welp if this gets official some of us will get to be a bit known out there