Originally Posted by guyagainsthacks View Post
AW C'mon. can someone look at the replays? i'm not just grammatical skills and a.... meh, nevermind.
Also, waiting for the final veredict c: ...

This guys against me, down with democracy!

Up with Anarchy!
Originally Posted by itsbruce View Post
Hello, I am Bruce. I would (obviously) like to join the clan Atlantic. I have been in three clans previously, and i like being around the atmosphere in being in something larger. I am a third Dan Black belt, rank 8005. (i had been around 7000, but i had gone into a tournament, and lost a few times embarrassingly.) I believe that I could be a benefit to this clan, because of my abilities, and prowess.
I am fairly good at Aikido, Judo, and i am currently teaching myself how to do parkour.
I would greatly appreciate it; if you were to take me into consideration, for me to join the clan.
Here are a few of my replays, if you need me to post more, I gladly will.

Well someone took the time for a decent application. You seem like a nice person. We don't really accept people on how good they are in toribash, but on how good it is to interact with them, a good personality is all that we require; Heck, some of our members here even suck

You deserve an internship in my opinion. Tell me, what is your username on FJ?
xeno, it is blarde. :3
and thank you all for accepting me so warmly into the clan.
i shall try as hard as i can to make the clan a stronger one.
i like cats