My application :D
Hello. I am Legednexpe and i am Here to join the AS clan. Trest tested me and i won 2 games and lost 1. I am in britian and i am currently practicing for my GCSE(Test for you americans or other countrys)
My fave mods:
  • xspar
  • ABD(Akido big dojo for short)
  • Mushu
  • Other spar mods and parkour mods
The first clan i was in was the Blitz. Again i got tested but i did worse then in the other test. I lost 2 games and won once. They gave me a second chance and i won. Ok, enough of this bullshit. The reason why i left Blitz was because it was inactive af. And you know people dont like inactive clans because whats the total point. Its like going to school but like everyone left. i didnt notice that Blitz had little people joining. Someone told me that most of the blitz followers havent been playing for ages. Now you know why i wanted to join AS. Because it is a brilliant clan to be in as others told me.

PS. I forgot to spell check. I cant be bothered to spell them. I spent lots of time on my application so i hope it takes into account and results me being invited

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Last edited by Mikes; Mar 14, 2018 at 12:00 AM.