44, lel, wp

what does everyone think of the compendium and NA qualifiers for TI4 sofar?
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My Slark is starting to become very competitive.
Twice in a row there has been ragequits because they simply cannot do anything.
Such an amazing hero, lane till six or seven, most of the time you can get one or twoo kills by then.
Then simply roam and snowball till you're godlike.

I usually end with ~20 / 0-3 / ~10 but lately people left before I could get to 20.
It feels so good knowing that you're invulnerable for four seconds, it's so rare for me to die on Slark now.

I'm also randoming every single time now, getting real comfortable with all the heroes.

Just did a game where I was a support Elder Titan, my combo won us all but one of the teamfights, it feels so good!

Will try to start up Ranked now, I'm curious what kind of score I'd get.

Any tips for Invoker, btw? That's the only one I'm still scared of playing.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
invoker is just about practise and actually participating.
learn your spells and combos, watch the map for sun strikes and remember that early game isnt about spamming invokes.
hit a bot game so that you atleast know what spells there are.

also, i dont understand how people are so bad.
i kill pretty much anything that moves, and the team just rolls over.
next game I play with a friend, I pick sniper, he decides hes going to support me with a bounty...
i ask for a space making support, and he picks a bounty... tells me he'll go mek for us...
fuck i raged.
Last edited by BenDover; May 13, 2014 at 03:51 PM.
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Why the Aghs?
Space making support would be a hero that can push alone, right?
A Venomancer, for instance.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
aghs gives vipers ult a 12s cd and a million cast range.
aside from it being one of the best early-mid game HP and mana items.
mek might give you more effective hp for less gold, but mek doesnt make your ulti OP.

a space making a support that is strong early game, someone that can harass effectively and give you room to farm.
pushing creates less room to farm, but a venomancer is still a good space maker, does enough damage early game with gale and passive to make the enemy think twice about engaging on you.

bounty isnt an early game space maker, especially as a support.
if we get into trouble, he'll just WW away and leave me to die.
my friend is also a terrible last hitter, so he'd ask to take a creep or two from the next wave, then miss 3 and only get two, wasting a whole wave. do that 3 or 4 times and i find i only have 35cs at 10 minutes...
meanwhile riki on the enemy safelane is 8-0 against our offlane shadow shaman.
yeah, thats right, offlane SS with a support bounty.
heres the game:
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Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
also, i dont understand how people are so bad.
i kill pretty much anything that moves, and the team just rolls over.

This has happened to me before as viper. I don't think he can carry that well. How can we build him to carry late game?

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
next game I play with a friend, I pick sniper, he decides hes going to support me with a bounty...
i ask for a space making support, and he picks a bounty... tells me he'll go mek for us...
fuck i raged.


No words for this.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
This has happened to me before as viper. I don't think he can carry that well. How can we build him to carry late game?

oh its useless against a proper late game carry, but SF isnt much of a late game carry either and vipers passive > SFs soul damage gain.
Viper isnt too bad in the late game, hes just not the best.
I got caught out on my own near the end of the game and regretted not having a BKB.
lost all 3 raxxes while I was down, they wiped my team aswell, when i came back i walked in to their whole team and got an ultra kill 1v4, then solo pushed a tower against megas while my team faffed around, thats not too bad for a late game viper.

late game carry builds are pretty limited, especially for ranged agi heroes, pretty much the standard butter, crits, heart, mkb etc...
viper is a tough hero to build only in that he needs to have the proper mid game items aswell, you cant just build for late game and hope for the best, hes a strong midgame carry so you should build for that isntead and aim to snowball like I did.
aghanims, S&Y/manta, rely on the damage output from your passive to carry you.
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We should play sometime again BenD, I can play most characters now.
Sounds like you could use an upgraded support!

I won't even start on the people I get matched up sometimes..

Also, haven't played Viper that much, didn't know Aghs was so valuable on him.
I mostly went Drums or S&Y into a crit or Butterfly.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
we can hit a game tonight, if you actually come online.
viper is the easiest hero in the world to play. with his passive, its impossible to miss a last hit
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