Originally Posted by Kaito View Post
Kalo di daerah gue, dari tk - sma masih di kasih kayak begituan.
ceramah di catet buat ngebuktiin kita menyimak atau kagak (katanya)
tadi gue nanyain ente ke Kido, terus dia bilang fag

So, my feeling was true after all
u wot m8
I remember now after scrolling back far away -_-
She's a skilled player especially in judo (I never win facing her) R1GBY, I, ajiskempet used to play together with her, with you too if i remember
u wot m8
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Nah, Im a male. Or don't tell me you use the @ # w # @ thingy?

What's that?