shhhhhhhhh. i was drunk on that. like... not only partially durnk but really really drunk ... lol.
After coming home i was like: hm another round of lol or two? cant be that hard i guess ... lemme jus-... OH COMMON WTF THAT NUNU JUST IS LIKE A GANGPLANK AND ALL OVER LIKE PEANUTS.... My friends even recorded me on teamspeak...
Also gangplank was also on that night.
Just polished those two losses up with vlad in ranked. after dcing 3 times and having 1-4 and being 40 farm behind i somewhat managed to carry. allthough our janna carried the whole team all game long.

(btw that is vladimir ilyich ulyanov, aint he?)
Last edited by pinheads; Aug 30, 2012 at 05:05 PM.
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
why don't you scroll up to the 1/5/2 vayne game ;p

Not to mention it's unranked and casual and gay
Casual is fun. Last night I went top with Hecarim (long day, too stubborn to give him up, jungle was already taken) vs a Jax. I had a Teemo invisible in my lane. Anyways I told that Jax to b since he was being mean.
And he did.
So hen he came back and the 3 of us danced in top lane. Then mid joined us. Bot was the only serious lane the whole game.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
prob comes from vlad the impaler

and 10/4 is an impressive score after going 1/4, gz ; D

thats lenins name but np.
I went 2-0 in lane as graves and 60 farm ahead.
enemy shen afterwards raped botlane with consitent saves with his ult and ganks 24/7 i went to 4-7 or so and was still 40 farm ahead of enemy ad.... very sad .. i couldve carried if i actually had seen anything that is going on... fucking lags...
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
glorious #polska premade, verax, powas and jtank.
Screen taken by jtank.
4v5 game with ad brand and ap soraka.
Too stronk.

Originally Posted by Powas View Post
glorious #polska premade, verax, powas and jtank.
Screen taken by jtank.
4v5 game with ad brand and ap soraka.
Too stronk.

u got a darius. doesnt count!
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