"sideswipe was a boasting bitch like science"

"who is your favorite transformer?" well, im not really in to transformers, but my favorite is BoneCrusher, idk why (it was a looooong time ago)

Well, if we ran outta fossil fuels, I think solar power is a good source. You do know that solar plants can store their energy for dayz. So that means they wont go jackshit totally in a cloudy/rainy day. UNLESS its gonna be cloudy/rainy for WEEKs.

Also, hydroelectricity. There's water all-around us so basically we're not gonna run outta supplies. The only big flaw is dams are quite long to build and some nations are not surrounded by water.

Anyway hi. Im sorry if i misspelled shit cuz i just woke up from a nap.
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Apr 11, 2016 at 11:23 AM.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
yeah, thanks for copying what I just said boyyy =) Want to have another shitfest again ?
Me and my brother were messing around with runkido and this replay is awesome.
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Legit Awesome.rpl (49.5 KB, 6 views)
I agree with mat on the failiure and success thing, see my last post.

My favourite transformer is probably Ironhide, because i like the way he looks, and also his general attitude.

Energy? Well, we better get this fusion thing started, but before then we should move away from fossil fuels, why? Because eventually they are going to run out, and we might as well get used to not using them now instead of being shocked when they run out.
Ouh well yeah your right mat, failing is not the only way, its the one I prefer tho, I dont like easy things, you gain experience when you fail (if you know whay you failed) that's why I consider it the only way to truly sucess, ofc some get what they want without failling, but that involves a huge amount of dedication and will.

My favourite transformes is optimus `Mat - lol´ he is the leader lol okno, I am not really into transformers, the last michael bay movies were ughh, the first 2 were ok but from then on...

Aye nice replays eki, the runikido did look amazing; the parkour: well you were kinda too low the hole time, try to stay higher you know, everyone has their own style but still dont go crowling, try to stand up a bit highet.

As you know eolic energy, hidraulic energy and solar energy can not be obtained everywhere, at least not being efficient, depending on the region you would rather use one or the other. Something funny is that the country where I live has regions perfect for these 3, still we use fosil gas and a nuclear reactor-ish thing, aye the humanity....
The only problem is that we wont have plastic but the rest is ok, as long as those `bitches´ who like hearing their car engine dont make a mess for the electric cars; for now planes need fuel, idk I wanna study engeneering between other reasons to help changing that but yeah.
Gah! The one handed shuffle is so damn hard! Even harder than the S.W.E. one handed shift.

Anyways, what's going on? Any planned events?
mmm not really, if you want we could play a nice mau hang out this week, idk what about saturday afternoon? or maybe thursday afternoon, I could get on then, ofc I am free the hole sunday as well