I still play games, but at the same time i have a life too. I was thinking of attending the Soccer Summer clinic but eh, fuck soccer. I'm tired of it. But next school year i think i might go back to soccer and loosen up the gaming and the league a bit. Time to be serious about my studies.
Man, i am happy that the weekend has started, so i can retract back to my chair in peace for the next two days.
Lol science suffer them timetables
aye thee weekend, I only need to go to my english lessons on saturddays from 10 to 12, well at least I have some more time on the week, right?
ah shit forgot to call the guy from target shooting with bow, well eventually I will... some day...
my internet is still a bitch as usual, can barely open steam (after an hour of trying)

Idk, I released a mod I did like a week ago, didnt have int in my pc to upload it
Last edited by Onsola; Apr 8, 2016 at 11:26 PM.
actually i kinda got some ideas for more 3d items,but not sure if really good ideas:

-an snapkickin foots(its like an more detailled thing of metal with spikes to put on the ankle/foot)
-animal heads(with open mouth,you head will be showed by it)
-pulse clock

what you guys think?
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
I'm not into the pulse watch and snapfoot, but the animal heads are kinda cool. I don't know about the ears though, they might end uup glitchy
They sound cool. It'd be pretty cool to have them be made, but wouldn't it be easier with textures for one or two of them? It'd still be cool for them to be 3d though
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh well idk, how was your week guys? I didny do much, studied a bit for some exams, did aome reports for my engliah class and I was asked to gake part in a croas race, you know 3 km. I did one like 4 yrs ago, ended 150 of 300, I wasnt too fit thrn, have any of you been on a race?
i was absent for the start of my school session so i had to catch up on some shit.
also a new achievement that i spent max 2hrs on computers
seriously guys its a breakthrough, i used to spent 8 hours everyday in front of a pc
during that time, i played sports.
official races? only once. lmao. i was in kindergarten and i got 3rd place. i can get 2nd or 1st place now, lol. but whenever there's selections, i came 4th (because of some stupid stone in my way) in my 6th grade sport selections for the sports day, and the fucking teacher didn't let me go for the selections in 7th grade.
My week has been good, i've spent most of my free time at the card table, just practicing by my own, it might seem like a boring life, but i honestly enjoy the silence, also it's an added bonus to win almost every card game when it's my turn to shuffle.

The school has been going well, i have had no problems.