Endurance Onslaught 6.0
the only top laner that jayce doesn't beat is kayle

(yes, yorick/darius/nid/jax/what have it are all easy pickings)
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
Teemo in new rotation, ohgod.

Surprisingly, haven't seen a single Teemo for 5 matches so far, mostly just Volibear or graves xd
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
I'm more worried about that fucking over-powered master yi that destroys my fed akali... (and yes, I can play her well)
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
I'm more worried about that fucking over-powered master yi that destroys my fed akali... (and yes, I can play her well)

>Get cc
>Give 0 fucks
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
the only top laner that jayce doesn't beat is kayle

(yes, yoricks are easy pickings)

Bullshit. Yorick owns Jayce top
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
>see volibear

I hate him so much.

If you have any skills that root him, then he becomes pretty easy to kill, but yeah, otherwise he is pretty annoying and very over-used since he is free for the week
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
I played vayne vs volibear top.
Got forced to because retarded team.

Anyways, that condemn fucks his shit if he tries to fling you. + out CS him + mega harass with your w passive. Especially once he starts to get tanky.
Throw an ignite atop that, and you could easily first blood the cunt.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
I remember Chauster saying that Bruiser + Support in bot lane is tough to beat for some reason, and AD Carries top usually have a large advantage just for having range. If what Chauster said is true, then you could get away with having Vayne solo top and not have to share lane XP, all the while have bot lane win theirs.
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