Well I told Uberis that I'll be gone this weekend. All I got here is a tablet and my phone
My Fan Club|†Custom Belt†|†Proud Piratez Overseer and Chest Keeper†| Click or Die|
Do What You Want Cuz A Pirate Is Free. You Are A Pirate!!
Hey guys sorry it's been a little while again. I'm trying to get active but shit keeps popping up. And I can never get online to play you guys are lucky...
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
Sup, marccod. It is fine as long as you keep coming back.

You can give your skype or facebook to us. I can notify you whenever we plan to play. An event is ongoing so any help would be great.
Sometimes there are good movies on it. Or really cringy homemade tv shows. Mostly I download all the movies and shows.
Damn I'm clueless on what to do these past weeks. My hip joints hurt pretty bad from putting a lot of stress on them. I probably overdid it with powermoves. I had a clear goal to get down flares and learn to combine them with other moves. But yeah I guess I can't practice for some time now because the pain gets stronger whenever I do something. I didn't expect that not practicing will make a big hole in my everyday life. Basically I feel like finishing a really great show. I guess I could name this situation post-injury depression.

K guys tell about your past injuries, we are not posting for quite some time. I made a hole below my lip because I fell off the swings and landed on a rock and fell of the stairs and bumped the back of my head on the corner of the table. Both needed stitches. I guess I'm happy to be alive. My brother witnessed the fall on the rock. I was like 5 years old at the time. He told me that the fall was really loud and he thought that I destroyed my face completely. I guess the force was enough to kill me if I wouldn't have landed on my lip/chin.
Past injuries, lots of those.
Jumped into a glass table when I was around 4 or 5, glass pieces all over my legs, no deep cut or anything serious though.
Landed on a rock right to the head when I was 2nd grade, I don't remember how it happened. Blood gushing out like a waterfall dripping to my face, and that's how people called me red irl (which sounds cool, so I'm not complaining). The scar is still on my forehead.
Accidentally stab myself on my left hand, it left a small scar.

My blood coagulation system is abnormal, I dunno what they call it scientifically but it makes all deep injuries not to recover normally, instead of restructuring like a skin it will form a lump instead. Means every single cut on my body will turn into a scar.