idk what is the internet speed from here
if any of you all is comming to brazil/brozil someday,remember to never sleep with fans turned on
during all the whole day is hot af,but on the transition of the night>morning,it gets COOOOOLD AS HEEEELLL,but as you are sleeping you will dont feel anything
now i am cooled/sick.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Ofc long posts. Like two or three paragraphs or more can takebquite some time. However you dont need to make a long ass post as ling as your pist have an overall ok quality (not shitposts)

Aye my wpm must be really low. Specially in this phone

Aye same happens here vic
Ok now i'm on my PC.

I can type real fast, because my bigger brother introduced me to facebook when I was in second grade, and I got hooked to the computer, like clubpenguin and such, stupid stuff when I was a kid. I can say my WPM's maybe about, 60-70 idk. I don't see the point in that WPM test.

Punch Club is best game I'm hooked to it now
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
if any of you all is comming to brazil/brozil someday,remember to never sleep with fans turned on
during all the whole day is hot af,but on the transition of the night>morning,it gets COOOOOLD AS HEEEELLL,but as you are sleeping you will dont feel anything
now i am cooled/sick.

I don't remember to be that cold when I used to wake up on 4 A.M in Brazil. It was fresh but not cold at all.
Keep walking
Isn't brazil a tropical country? God we have the same luck I guess. It's FUCKING hot in our sisters' room, outside, and the rest of the house that our sisters go and stay to me and my brother's small cramped room, which is really cold since the room's real real tiny and the strong air conditioner
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
subliminal messages

oh and also, tennis is only for rich white guys who wear shorts all day?
sounds like my dickhead cousins who only play football (soccer for americano [blyat])
but seriously, i think i'm comfortable in knee-high shorts. i can't quite focus on the game if i'm wearing shorts that end on my thighs.
seriously, it looks weird as shit, guys.
oh and also, i play badminton with slippers (flip-flops, lmao)
it's not as easy as you think

also, onsola.. when i used to be that amazing post quality guy, all my posts took longer than 10 minutes. when i made my longest post, it took me 20 minutes or so. but yeah, making a simple but informative post takes like 5 minutes. at least for someone like me who has a WPM rate (word per minute) of 60-80. 80 when i'm trying really hard. 60 is when i'm being slow-ish. 70 WPM is my average speed.

Yeah my shorts are longer and the whole team isn't even rich... except one person, but that doesn't matter. Our school doesn't even get us tennis balls to play with, we have to get our own, and all my stuff was free or like 100$ which is one thing, so in total (with shoes) my tennis stuff is like 150$. But for me its very fun and more athletic than football or baseball and maybe even basketball, when you get to my level bra. But in conclusion, tennis is definitely not a rich kid sport. Maybe where you live it is tho
Ok, guys, i feel that i need to share this smexy-ass deck i bought, the Bee Club Blue Cambrick Casino.

Hence, here comes my first spoiler, Ehm:

Look at it, it's beautiful isn't it?

I mean, it's vastly superior to the brand i usually use, which is Bicycle, in terms of card table artifice, though not it the faggotry known as "cardistry" which really just involves doing some fancy and overly complex stuff in order to impress others (mostly girls). Those who involve themselves in this branch of card mechanics can walk on by. It's all artifice from now on for me.

bigger pics for you upp :*

Actually I also have an awesome deck, which lasted for at least a decade now. It's very sturdy and nimble.

smex(ier)y stuff ;)

Junior's doing fine. Lol can we not talk about this. It's too, erm, "personal" i guess.