Originally Posted by -Kau- View Post
chazer shameless :3

Sorry for invading here, but i'm here to say, -kau- is a bank robber, becareful!
Well jk, i'm just here to say hi :P
I suck.
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
Wow, that timing :o I was planning on cleaning up by the end of the week.
Clan is doing great though.

Ah what a luck.
Btw how's tb 4.6? is it good?
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Sounds pretty good to make a bugged game even more bugged. I think thats something special enough =) still playing on 4.41 idk this version works best atm
Yea, 4.6 seems to be a mistake. I'm not mad about it though, he's just one guy. Gotta be hard pleasing this many people without fucking up seriously, haha.
PM me with any and all questions
True, true. But, you still got other programmers n shit to help.

I think he makes shit hard on himself. I wish I'd help if I knew how to program n shit.
Yeah i have talked to Hampa on skype a couple times
He stresses himself to get the bugs out We can only hope 1.7 isnt as bugged