
Too bad I don't have Toribash on my computer anymore.
It'd be great if anyone would just take a picture.
One moment please

Here you go, might be a bit big bwt..:

Guess you'll have to resize it, or just tell me
Also the set is like old, micho had it and loads of other ppl..
Last edited by flxy; Mar 13, 2010 at 06:50 PM.
Well that's great and all, and I have nothing about big pictures, but oculd you get rid of the blood?

Just type
/opt blood
/opt bloodstains

That'll do the trick. Thanks <3
Again, one second...

Couldn't figure to get the same pose, that one reminds me a bit of Micheal Jackson... WOWT
Last edited by flxy; Mar 13, 2010 at 07:07 PM.