uhm, Wushu techniques? I understand, that the game should be played more loosly, but how do you build momentum?
As well as things like, how qi work, and the rankings...because somedays im way down like at 8000 and other days Im way up like today, Im 48 on blue or something...I have not been playing for very long so dont know how Somethings work.
Last edited by Helucinate; Jan 9, 2010 at 03:41 PM.

1.Qi means the number of matches you played.When you end a match it will say x matches to y belt.

2.The rankings...I don`t actually how they work...but I know that before it showed you the rank for all belts and now it`s showing you only for your belt...that`s why you got from 8000 to 48
Proud member of [Pandora]
Originally Posted by Helucinate View Post
uhm, Wushu techniques? I understand, that the game should be played more loosly, but how do you build momentum?
As well as things like, how qi work, and the rankings...because somedays im way down like at 8000 and other days Im way up like today, Im 48 on blue or something...I have not been playing for very long so dont know how Somethings work.

Ah, well, I'm not a wushu kind of player, but I used to, so wushu depends on the opener. That's pretty much I can say :P

Gaining momentum: Like gaining speed, you know? As much as possible, try not to get yourself hammered by your opponent, because if you get like 1 dm, you lose most of your momentum since you can't move too well.

Qi: The number of wins or losses(?) you get. In every belt, there is a certain amount of qi you must achieve. I'm not sure about the Yellow to brown though.

White - Yellow = 20 Games
Yellow - Orange = 25-30 Games
Orange - Green = 40 Games
Green - Blue = 60 Games
Blue - Brown = 200 Games (I think)
Brown - Black = 500 Games (?)
Black - 2nd Dan = 1000 Games
2nd Dan - 3rd Dan = 1000 Games

and 4th dan up to 10th dan, it's all 1000 games.

Rankings: They're doing a ranking test so your rank will be low of somesort. I'm like, rank 45 now. They update your rank every week as far as I know.

If you need tips on replay's, ask anybody from the ORMO (Official Replay Makers Organization) Like Geast and MYI (Both inactive :P)

Or check out the replay thread and watch how we work.

Hope this helped.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by Helucinate View Post
but how do you build momentum?

well I ain't the best wushu player - and I really haven't played toribash for quite a while, but there is one very general approach to building momentum. You first wind body part(s) in the direction opposite of where you want to build your momentum - like contracting a knee if you want to go up - extending abs if you want to go toward - etc. then on the next turn to change the direction. This will give you the maximum (kinetic) energy/momentum from each joint in that one direction. The trick is to use as many joints as possible to do this while keeping a certain degree of accuracy in your movements. After you built momentum, it's generally easy to keep going on the same momentum, just push against the ground with one of your limbs in the direction opposite of the momentum to keep it going. This sort of extended momentum is used when chasing people - but for kicks/punches/whatever it's usually a short burst.

The most common ways to this are, contracting and then extending the knees for a jump upwards and foward/backwards depending on where you're leaning - and "wrist flicking" when landing directly on your arms - contracting and then extending wrist will push you into one direction.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
hahahaha! no Like I said in the other thread I have bugger all tc, shot is a slang term for thank you where I come from, so by instant decap you aquire the tc or do you have to do something like post a replay?