Say, I'm sick as fuck and must take nine motherfucking pills per day.
How life likes to fuck me over during weekends.
Centuries Of Damn
Ok, so I have to bring my Dj controller to school on Friday to DJ the dance, but I've got no case... What should I do?
Proud member of Pandora
Eh, it's smaller by a bit, but really, everyone's going to think I'm an ass that either wants to be cool or is showing off or has a crappy MixTrack Pro... :|
Proud member of Pandora
And now I ask you, why the fuck do you care what others think of you?

I never think "I shouldn't wear this or carry that, others might think that and this", I just go along with it, and people think I'm just as awesome as I normally am. :3
^That is basically what I go by in life xD
I do whatever the fuck I want to do.
The thoughts about how others view me is their shit to deal with.
How I dress and present my self is my life and fuck everyone else's thoughts.
The end.
This talk just reminded me of my english poem I did a while ago.

"I'm happy for all the right choices I've made,
Following what I believe was right.
I'm happy for all the wrong choices I've made,
Learning from the mistakes every day and every night.
I'm happy for who I am and what I'll be,
As long as I stick to the road created by me.
I won't change myself or any of my beliefs.
I won't spend my days comparing to what others achieve.
As long as I try my best,
My soul will lay at rest."

I don't really like the first 4 lines, but the rest I actually like.
Last edited by Arbalest; Dec 6, 2011 at 05:39 AM.
Wow, today the school took my computer away and I got a detention on Friday. They're removing admin privileges... Apparently, I used up 8 MB of their bandwidth torrenting things when I was sitting my Science exam... Although it was made clear we weren't supposed to torrent, I didn't have the thing open, and I was doing my Science exam! D: Oh well, I'll just see how long this lasts.
Proud member of Pandora