Originally Posted by Bulous View Post
Hey guys, sorry i been inactive.

See i met this girl in my building & we talk & now we got this thing going on. Best part is shes right in my building. Even since then we just been doing things (not that sorta things) & hanging out.

But anyways im gonna be on toribash for a lil now.

yOYoo Ohhh MaH Mo'fuKin Wuttt DId Chu do Did $he RefuSee

Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
Oh... But you will... He he he...

Its not about the goal that i trying to get.

Its about the goal she shal receive.

It's Fabulous
Originally Posted by Meap View Post
yOYoo Ohhh MaH Mo'fuKin Wuttt DId Chu do Did $he RefuSee

Gtfo please.

Also hi guys. Back from vacation, I feel exhausted.
It was both incredible and exhausting. I'm sad that it ended though, it was fun.

So, what's up people, anything new?
Last edited by chamara; Aug 15, 2013 at 11:58 PM.