Well, I had my leg fracture but it was at a lot of time ago. I'll tell you what happen.

So little 4 year old tanan was playing with he's awesome cousin when he asks me to get a toy that was up of the TV thingy. So when I was scaling the tv thingy he pull me down and it wasn't something fun since I FUCKING FRACTURED MY LEG and I was rolling in the floor screaming and crying a lot, like, you don't know the real meaning of "a lot" until you see a little kid after fracturing his fucking leg. So after I staph'd screaming, rolling and crying my dad obviously go to the hospital with me. I remember the medic saying to me sleep and I knocked up (not sure at all). I remember me and my dad walking in the streets of Marina d'Or going back and he asking me if I was feeling ok, don't remember more.

Now let's talk about my experirnce with shoulder dislocation. So little 6 year old tanan was playing with the same that broke my leg and we was paiting the house so I used the stair to paint more elevated parts and we started playing like my cousin was a kangoroo and my fucking foot was a baby kangoroo and... you know what happen? He startes moving with my foot in his hand and I obviously fall off and I dislocated my shoulder. I also did like when I broke my leg, starting roling in the floor, crying and screaming. After it my parents was cooking so I eated a little bit and sleeped. When I woke up I goed to the medic and did x-ray, I have seen how a bone was in the middle of my shoulder and it taked 1 month to comeback.

Now let's talk about the dad's foot hemorrhage story. So old 50 year old tanan's dad was wanting to drink something at the middle of the night when the cup in his hand fall and one little cristal flied right in his left side of the ankle. He was lucky enough to it hit one veel and sequently cause an hemorraghe. The sound of the cup alerted me (I was playing some cool mobile games) so I goed to see what was going on. Guess what? I see how my dad runs to the bathroom and after some seconds I see the floor full of blood. I felt how the fear circulated in my body and sequntly I listened he screaming to me for help I taked up the first cloth I saw in the cusine and gived it to him. He didn't stoped "give me a band, give me a band, I'm having an hemorraghe" so I gave him a band and woke up my mom since she haves experience with her grandpa and she helped him to stop the hemorraghe and I called the medic. He is now fine.

This last one is unbelievable, but true. If you have any question about the stories you can PM me so it willn't have too much useless posts. Unless onsola don't care about it.
Last edited by TananPro; Apr 4, 2016 at 05:58 PM.
Keep walking
same as eki,i never had any injury,but i did fall of bike a time while trying to make an flip off ground,i was extremely dumb.
all my whole arm was torned by impact and friction with some things that was on ground.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Ouh well I was thinking that maybe we should get an introduction video, not a clan vid, just presenting the main members, our goals and requirements as a clan, mostly narrated or written text, maybe showing some of our replays in the background, we would use the vid in the recruitment thread and in this one as well;

holy shit upp, that's really fucked up, I mean yeah when I broke my finger it was moving in directions it shouldnt/wouldnt unless you break at, kinda frightening, damn. I specially dislike leg injuries, I cant put up with the idea of my leg bending in a direction its not supposed to. Great writing as usual bud

damn the leg injuries tho, the worst thing that happened to me related to my cousin, we were playing this lil game some years ago throwing darts at each other, nothing too serious right? well the darts had a sharpenerd 2 inches point which allowed them to get stuck almost everywhere if you threw them strong enough. we would trhow those at each other regularly, one day I woke my cousin throwing them at him, eventually we were in separated sides of the pool throwing those at each othe when one got stuck like half inches from my eye in my nose. Oh yeah I remember my cousin almost died then xD, he doesnt like blood and that kind of stuff, I took it off my face and used some alcohol, after that we didnt throw those at each other any more. I am happy I still have both my eyes tho.

I kinda dislocated my arm playing handball, I threw with all my stregh the ball from the middle of the pitch, It craked and it was really painfull, but i out it back on its place and played the rest of the match using the othe arm, oh btw that throw was the only goal of the team Dx, we lost; damn lil tanan was getting seriously injured every 2 years;

damn tanan, well he is alive tho, gj *claps* my cousin would pass out if he saw so much blood
Out of all the hours watching asians playing handbal on tv i actually want to try that game now. I guess its like futsal in reverse. And ftuck your long posts guys i have no story to share

That introduction vid seems like a cool idea, but we're a sparring clan in a game, not a business. It seems boring to think of but itll end up nice with cool replays on the background and fast paced loud music and some cool fonts an nice transitions and dubstep, like on every video
Last edited by Lust; Apr 4, 2016 at 09:36 PM.
I've never really had an injury as well. If you count little injuries, they don't even hurt much. The pain goes away after a while, and an introduction video? :O I'm excited. Also screw long posts
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
yay activity
ray, i didn't know you were one with an ass which is fat. Are you a fat ass? I always thought you were this fit guy who likes sports, or that's what i pictured you to be.
I was scared shitless when onsola posted 'whoever doesn't post this after 24 hours will be kicked'
so yeah... my inactivity. the thing is, i have shit to do, and places to be i've been reeaally busy with some real life stuff, i'm trying to catch up on the notes i missed when i was on holiday (at the start of the school session.. good job mat, you stayed at home in your holiday and traveling when school starts)
so yeah, i'm genuinely sorry about my inactivity. i had relatives come over during the time i was inactive, so i didn't get much time to post.
oh also hi guys
hi oxide

I was hoping you wouldn't post. Just Kedding. Ayy sup. I knew i could count on you to bump the thread so i could reply to something

TyZi Moderated Message:
yeah, but don't shitpost.
Last edited by TyZi; Apr 5, 2016 at 09:44 PM.
how dare you shit post eki D;
in terms of fitness, I'm a stick of a human. and I'm also tiny as hell (well i mean I'm kind of growing but not really). and is this intro video basically a clan video? I'm too lazy to check the long posts. also i might not be as active for the rest of this week (lots of parkour stuff) and then after this week school starts
so sorry in advance. that might not even be true because its only either late at night or early in the morning so yea
Last edited by BquadZ7550; Apr 5, 2016 at 05:18 PM.
I am not as fit as i would like to but i am not fat, maybe a bit thinner than i should even though i eat as if i had 2 ppl inside me lol

Ofc the introduction vid would have some syncs with loud music and cool replays. Ifnaomeone coff coff could do it. Aye got my new chip so now ill be on throw my phone till i fix the wifi