that's pretty neato. you have a tablet? because i don't. T.T

Lol you gave me inspiration. I'm making a head texture.

Btw is that macromedia your using?
I have a tablet also I was using Photoshop and I have Animate (The Updated version of flash) Here is an update

Cancer 2.0

Channel - ok
What the fuck did you feed him and why did he get jaundice!!?
There's yo CnC mudafucker

made a head texture. I'll also post my latest animation wip here later :v I have flash 8, very nice brush.

I think the eyes are too high.

aye that banner looks amazing, it would be nice to use that one, that head is looking good too

ayy you finally got a 60 fps vid, nice, how did you do it? I mean is it dificult to make it 60 fps?

(this ppl that have tablets ;-;)
ey dude i don't have one it's all mouse. My shoulders are fucking killing me right now
in the really isnt,but likely,my pc is good,but not so good,15 seconds with RSMB+MBL+60fps have taken likely over 1 hour,while 30fps take likely
10minutes or a bit more.
without RSMB it can take likely 7 minutes at 30fps
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Lolz, there he goes with the in the really again. At least we're getting back in our activity game here.
Guys, there has been a long dry streak in "upp stories" let me share another one to help ease the pain of the imminent threat of a clan disband:

So to give you some backstory:

One and a half year ago during P.E. at school, i accidently injured y knee while i was running. My foot hit a large mattress siedways while i was running full force, that lead to the foot taking the force of me, weighing at the time about 70 kg, running at my full speed. I do not believe i have to calculate the amount of joules that would generate, but trust me, it's a kinda big force. Anyway, my foot took all of the force when it hit the mattress. Now, this might not seem so bad, because my foot normally take that much force every time i take a running step, so why was it so bad when it hit the side of the mattress, which was even a soft surface. Well, if you think about it, when you are running, the foot takes the impact at the bottom, or ball and heal of the foot, and the shockwave then travels up the leg and into the hip, where it radically dies off.
When it is instead hit from the side, what happens then? Well, let me tell you first that the foot was completely fine, it didn't even hurt the foot. But can you guess what else gave in? Let me explain:

I told you that when you run, the shockwave travel up the leg, the leg is a very stable constructions when it comes to withstanding shocks from that direction, what it is NOT good at is taking shocks from a horizontal plane, which was the case in this particular incident. The leg is just not built to handle this kind of trauma. So what gave in, well i'll tell you what. The arguably most complex, and unfourtunatly most painfull place along the leg, the knee joint.

As soon as i hit the side of the mattress with the foot, i first heard a "knack", then i fealt something hitting the knee from the inside, like a little man was standing inside of my knee with a small hammer and just knocking on it from inside. It didn't hurt at all, but it was still scary. Then immeadiatly after i fealt that, i fealt the knee bending very slightly, only perhaps one centimeter in the side plain (the plain that the knee is NOT supposed to bend in). Now keep in mind, the sound, the first and the second thing i fealt happened in rapid succesion, i was still airborne during all these three events, they where within one second of eachother.

It was only a moment or two after i landed that i could react to what had happened, so i , as a reflex, grabbed my knee with both hands and said, "ouch, fuck" Even though it didn't hurt.

After only around half a second, my knee would be struck with the most pain it had ever been before. I could just barely keep myself from screaming. Now as i am writing this i realize that this would actually be a worse injury than those i shared with you earlier, but, what can i say? I forgot.

Anyway, let's continue.
The pain was so unbearing, that i just layed there on the soft mattress, ans started shaking, and curled up into a ball. After about two minutes i had gathered enough endorphines to rise up on my good leg, and go to my P.E. teacher. I told him about what had happened, and he told me to go see the schools nurse. So i jumped on one leg over to the nurse and explained what happened, i got two painkillers and then i got to go to class. It was my favourite class of the day; Science class, so i was pretty happy.

I believe i torn, or streached something, because i was full of pain, and couldn't walk straight for a whole week, but i still went to school.
During the following 1.5 years, the pain has stopped, and i only occasionally, if it is cold weather feel a slight "knock" in the knee when i walk up and down stairs, but today something happened, which has made me reconsider if i should ever do any physical activity ever again:

So earlier today i was playing with my ferret, his name is Jake. I use to first chase him around the house, and then let him chase me. We had been playing for around 10 minutes, and i was in the middle of running away from him, from my living room, to the bedroom, haöfway there, i heard the same snapping sound i had heard 1.5 years ago in the same knee, i also fealt the knock, and fealt how the leg bent, event more this time, probably 2-3 centimeters. I immeaditly fell to the ground in fright, and knew that the pain would soon set in. And i swear on my copy of Erdnase, i though i had dislocated my knee, luckily, i don't think that's the case. It hurt way less than what it did 1.5 years ago, but i was still scared shitless.

So i did what any reasonable man in the same possition would have done, i made some bacon and patatoes, ate them in my chair while watching TV, took a strong ass painkiller, read a little in Erdnase, jumped on one leg over to the couch and layed down for an hour.
Then i went to 7/11 and bought the following:

A 1.5 liter of coke
3 dl sourcream
S&O dipp
S&O chips
A bag of M&M's

Now, this is what i refer to as "upp's meal after upp's meal".
This is what i eat almost every, or every other day during the first two weeks of the month, before all my money runs out and i have to wait for the next month.
I ate it all, exept for a few of the chips which i am currently munching on, and took a very warm bath for the knee. I then went to bed, and got my ferret to lay on the knee as a warmer, untill he got bored and wanted to play, but given my condition, i couldn't play anymore with him.

So now i'm sitting (laying) here, infront of my computer with a knee that hurts like hell, and a chips, hoping i can go to school tomorrow, if the knee will allow me to.

There, long post.
Goddamit your posts arf too long for me to read. At least we still have these surges of activity.

I have never ha an injury, cramp, or fracture ever in my life ever before, maybe exept this one time in soccer when my ankle sort of hurt but i recovere easily. I always recover easily. I havent had a cold or fever in 2 months. When something hurts i just embrace the pain, which always seemed to work. I wonder how a leg fracture feels like...