Yes! Martial Arts Uncontested will reign forevermore! Nothing can stop it besides inactivity!

finnaly 60fps vid
Well i've done another vid,still wip,if anyone know something i can add or something.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592

By the way, nice vid, vic. Good reverse thing, some flashes. I could manipulate more with
Magic Bullet Looks. Also try to make vid slower (fast pace also looks good but you may do sth diffrent)

Btw, Onsola, I placed your change post on our statements board

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Cool sync vic. It's pretty good but yaeh, too short.

I made a MAU logo with a sunrise, "A(nother) new dawn"

everything is 100% eki, even the writing. No google, no anything
Nice work Lust, I've been inactive because I actually have a life for some reason lmao.
I was hanging out with my squad yesterday and we got turnt af lol, so yeah sorry for inactivity. I literally just got my computer back Im gonna try to make some art for MAU,
Just give me a few minutes kappa.'

Any Idea for the art I should make for mau?

Channel - ok
hiya yoshi. Thanks for tuning in. now we have 5 viewers. Lol don't expect some good cnc from me i pretty much suck at art but nevertheless let me see them arts boiii ~