Those who get kicked will receive a pm from me, if there was an external issues then I will reinvite them as soon as they pm me back, as It has been done already in the past
Well, I wish you guys go alive again. Don't do what I've done with MM in the past. This clan doesn't deserve to die and never give up.

MAU, I trust you can do it!
Keep walking
Dark times, dark times indeed. My instinct tells me it's over, but i hope it's not, i'll stay as long as it's here, if it dies, well, then i'm off tb.
Ouh well thanks for the suport tannan, as long as I stay here I wont let this die, but my will is not as strong as it used to be...

Ill keep fighting to keep this alive for quite some time
guess who's back from vacation. me.
well god dammit i don't want this clan to die. you guys are an amazing family and are all great friends to me even though I'm not around much.
i feel like the reason were becoming inactive is because we've stopped truly interacting. if we share whats going on in our lives and whats on our minds (maybe even just saying a topic) then we could all share our opinions on things and maybe, just maybe, that could help us out a bit.
i really hope this helps. cheers
ouh well nice to see your back, just on time, you're probably right, yeahe topics here arent too personal and maybe ppl started losing interest on them, Ill keep that in mind;

dont forget to check this: I want to reset some of the ranks since I am planning to get some inactive ppl off the clan and add some new members but there is no hurry, at least thats what I think
It's a pretty good idea. I hope it to work cause I don't want this clan die and won't let it die.
My school year is coming to the end (2 months left) so now it would be just hard as fuck easier (at least I think). So, Onsola if u want some halp, tell me, cause I want to do something
as Co-Leader (Cause propably I am leaving this position due to ranks reset, unless I'll get voted on this)

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Ok I've reached a conclusion: I have an idea to revive this; the 15th of this month all inactive ppl will get kicked from the clan and all ranks will be reset even mine. We will vote who will have each rank. I was thinking maybe getting a new clan name would help too, like starting from 0. If this didnt work then we could say that there is no hope left for the clan. The ranks would be the following ones:

  • Leader: you know how it works
  • Co-Leader(might not be included): works as the leader when the leader is afk / helps to manage the clan
  • Council: help to manage the clan, work as a big ass moderation team, like eki and forums mods/ full mods but all toghether
  • Hoster(new rank): are in charge of hosting wars or events every week, can take tc from the bank for the events (events can be tourneys or in forums events) can manage minor issues in the forums
  • Toris: are members with high priority (those who stayed after the 15th and didnt get any rank)
  • Active Members: you know, can invite new members and can vote as everyone above them
  • Trials/Recruits: basically the same as now

I will let you tho to apply for Council or Hoster;
about the name change, we could vote on that, if someone comes up with a nice name dont hesitate to tell the rest so we can vote it;
votations will be held in the clan group

if this doesnt work I will get all the tc from the bank and apply for vibe then Ill stay as a lone ranger for the rest of my tb carreer

being serious, all help will be apreciated

yeah i was thinking of joining vibe, but it's too crowded. Might stay clanless for a while if this thing fails. rip.


TRUMPEKI 4 leader 2k16

seriously though, i'm the only one contantly updating of first post in here, added this to announcements.

I'm updating first post now, and for the previous topic, i'm pretty much a jack of all trades in sports. The only ones i'm good at are probably Ping Pong and Football (Soccer for the Yanks.) The sports I play are Ping Pong, Swimming if that's a sport, Batminton, Basketball, Soccer, and Grandfather's trying to convince me to play golf, since he's a manager at the city's golf club. It's like a side job, his main job's a consultant in a Milling Company.

Originally Posted by TananPro View Post
Well, I wish you guys go alive again. Don't do what I've done with MM in the past. This clan doesn't deserve to die and never give up.

MAU, I trust you can do it!


"I was thinking maybe getting a new clan name would help"
LOL i was thinking about this a while ago. If you guys need i'll donate my remaining 5k if we're pretty desperate.

And i'm on pocket wifi internet, but i'll try my best to be active AMAP
Last edited by Lust; Apr 3, 2016 at 03:06 PM.
Ok gru then help me seleccting the members that will stay and to organize a bit the clan group,

maybe we will keep the clan name, as you said in the group it comes with the clan history and stuff so yeah

idk if to start a new topic or keep like this till we make the changes, you tell me guys
i assure you onsola as long as we're here this place won't die. Even if we have to reach 10k posts without official i'm okay with it. You know there's no need to start a topic since we already have one.

About the name, we should also vote on it. So i vote no for the reason I said in the social group