Originally Posted by Kershner View Post
You only lost one item.
You are a good player, you can easily get back up to it!
Don't quit potram, we love you here ;3

I have no nerves to sit 10 hours on the pc and get 1k.... just no

Try to market!
There are lots of ways to earn tc!
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Originally Posted by Kershner View Post
Try to market!
There are lots of ways to earn tc!

No... i cant get tc... i suck at it and i suck at this game... i just quit

wow potram just go and win in tourney12 to get 1k man, it will be too easy for you and just dot duel win some tc get a balance and bet the extra winnings in order to get the full 512 that you want
Originally Posted by Possesed View Post
wow potram just go and win in tourney12 to get 1k man, it will be too easy for you and just dot duel win some tc get a balance and bet the extra winnings in order to get the full 512 that you want

Impossible to win that shit... i just suck

But you don't!
You are one of the best players metal has!
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Originally Posted by Kershner View Post
But you don't!
You are one of the best players metal has!

Just let me quit....

You won't quit without having to listen to every single one of metals members telling you not to.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid