I have to honestly say that its rude to enter someone else's clan thread, make shit up about them and try shame them in front of their clan. Would you like it if I went into the reaper board and say you where immature and a dickhead? No, I don't think you would appreciate it. Keep your thoughts to yourself before posting bullshit like this.
Last edited by Swaves; Feb 22, 2014 at 09:35 AM. Reason: Spelling Mistake
Originally Posted by Moncho62 View Post
I hate to say this but Swaves is bringing Metal's reputation down.
He's been acting rather immature and annoying lately.
Its a shame he's a member of this descent clan.
I'm just being honest.

Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I have to honestly say that its rude to enter someone else's clan thread, make shit up about them and try shame them in front of their clan. Would you like it if I went into the reaper board and say you where immature and a dickhead? No, I don't think you would appreciate it. Keep your thoughts to yourself before posting bullshit like this.

Hey None of that.
Either of you.
If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it.
Moncho, don't come here again unless you have something to say that doesn't involve one off our members 'bringing metal's reputation down'
Swaves, don't reply to people like this.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

It is indeed rude but its the truth in my perspective.
And I don't see how stating my opinion violates the rules.
I have so much respect for this clan.
I was just being honest. Please don't take this personal.
Master of the arcane arts
Originally Posted by Kershner View Post
Moncho, don't come here again unless you have something to say that doesn't involve one off our members 'bringing metal's reputation down'

What did I just say Mocho?
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

It is a game ment to let you have fun.
You win some and you lose some.
But you can always keep playing and having a good time.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Yeah ... but working hard as fuck to get items and the lose them all and start again just pisses me of...

You only lost one item.
You are a good player, you can easily get back up to it!
Don't quit potram, we love you here ;3
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid