Originally Posted by Wolfrai View Post
My dream was to get into bncy, but I had to go about it like a fag and you guys are uber mean over the interwebs.
Now, because you totally destroyed my dream of loving all of your cocks, I must totally insult you while I cut my wrists to Three Days Grace. It really hurts your feelings, doesn't it? Doesn't it? Please? Either way, I am somehow more superior then you even though bncy is the strongest clan in Toribash, so I must stop arguing with you and get back to the gaybar.

Replaced with truth.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
Its more fun to watch him cry about it.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
So i got linked to this thread for huge amounts of flaming

but since there are like 4 supermods in this clan i'll let them choose to infract him or not

(hint: DO IT)

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Its more fun to watch him cry about it.

Really, what he said.

Although I wonder if he's ever going to post here again.
Stalking time!
<+veb> dude___________________._____________________<hampa> the hosting center decided to raise the price
<+veb> I am to durnk to pu6t in the wriute commmand lol ___<hampa> and we only run irc on this machine which is a bit of a waste
<+veb> and u suxc u cant od it gfro me ______|______._____<Lapsus> How much power is behind the IRC server?
<+veb> ;oml?________________________________________<hampa> it is like delivering pizza using an airplane
wow you guys ARE gay
you're fucking stupid
you didn't know i was emo? i've been telling everyone for a while :|
and blackbear you are a fucking you not have any friends?
probably not you most likely just sit in your room and watch some gay porn while trying to seem cool by making a fake personality on toribash forums
Originally Posted by Wolfrai View Post
wow you guys ARE gay
you're fucking stupid
you didn't know i was emo? i've been telling everyone for a while :|
and blackbear you are a fucking you not have any friends?
probably not you most likely just sit in your room and watch some gay porn while trying to seem cool by making a fake personality on toribash forums

Again GET THE FUCK OUT you stupid little prick. You have absolutely no fucking right to say that we're fake. In fact this is one of the least fake clans in this game. By flaming and bitching here you are only proving that you had a fucking death wish to join because YOU in fact are the person without a life. I hope you know that by being such a little bitch you are risking getting yourself banned.

Good job faggot
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
Wolfrai, notice how we have coloured names? That means we can fuck you up. But not yet, this is still so funny :D
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Wolfrai View Post
wow you guys ARE gay
Why thank you, we are quite happy.
you're fucking stupid
bncy has the probably the largest amount of people over the age of eighteen as a clan. We are all educated, well minded beings. By the way, you aren't using grammar. People who don't use grammar are fucking stupid.
you didn't know i was emo? i've been telling everyone for a while :|
Give me a quote. Not to mention, you aren't telling us what you mean by "emo."
and blackbear you are a fucking you not have any friends?
Notice two things. The large amount of people backing up my opinions, and the thing under my name that says "ToriAgent." A group of well-to-do individuals selected me to that position. They wouldn't pick someone who was an idiot with no friends.
probably not you most likely just sit in your room and watch some gay porn while trying to seem cool by making a fake personality on toribash forums
Kid, you obviously don't know jack if you assume. You don't know me. The fact of the matter is, you cannot stand losing. Now, I don't know what you mean by fake personality. I don't present myself as a bear, if that is what you are implying.

Look now.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
Originally Posted by Wolfrai View Post
wow you guys ARE gay
you're fucking stupid
you didn't know i was emo? i've been telling everyone for a while :|
and blackbear you are a fucking you not have any friends?
probably not you most likely just sit in your room and watch some gay porn while trying to seem cool by making a fake personality on toribash forums

Time for a short history of Wolfrai! [I really have nothing better to do]

- Over half of Wolfrai's posts are in this clan board!

- His second post was an attempt to join [MastaStrike] with his mode preference listed as "instagibhand and jousting" [lol]

- Almost two months later, he decided to post here asking to join, obviously not looking at any of the fucking stickies that say you can't join. It was nicely explained to him why he can't join in the second page of that thread, in this post.
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
you dont ask to be in bouncy. we have to ask you.

- The day after being rejected by us, he applied to join [TAG] listing his other interests as "killing, torturing, cutting myself (don't ask), messing with friends"

- The day after being rejected by [TAG], he tried to join alpha, apparently having been in a clan called Quick in the meantime.

- The day after that, he noticed he was on the blacklist, two days later deciding that the reason given to him is a bad one and declaring it terrible.

- Later on, he applied to RelaxAll by disregarding their application form, claiming to be good at "instagibfeet, jousting and sambo" and then spamming smileys at them.

- Two weeks ago, he made a deleted failthread in clan discussion stating that he was looking for a clan, because presumably he couldn't find anyone else to annoy except for the moderators.

- Four days ago, the BAWWing started.

Wolfrai, I salute you. To the 'tard who doesn't know when to quit.

I made this for you :3

In all seriousness, I'm getting tired of you. You're just not as funny as you used to be. Keep slacking off on your failposting and I'll have to ban you. [I call dibs :D [No, seriously chac, he's mine.]]
Last edited by Lapsus; Feb 6, 2009 at 09:43 PM.
<+veb> dude___________________._____________________<hampa> the hosting center decided to raise the price
<+veb> I am to durnk to pu6t in the wriute commmand lol ___<hampa> and we only run irc on this machine which is a bit of a waste
<+veb> and u suxc u cant od it gfro me ______|______._____<Lapsus> How much power is behind the IRC server?
<+veb> ;oml?________________________________________<hampa> it is like delivering pizza using an airplane