Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Ale its been quite a while
Ive been inactive for some 6 years now and tint is now creamy horse mouths.
I do hope the best for you man im sad to hear thats what your going through right now. Much love ale
yeah things are pretty fucked, basically my family doubled down on an investment that seemed fail proof, and it honestly was a good idea even from my cynical eyes, from the money we made there my brother and I were going to move out of this prison and start living, but alas, so is god's irony, we weren't doing so bad, now we kind of are. I just hope for the best for now, I don't really give a shit anymore about politics, it's all the same.

I hope I find a way to get out, as that's the main goal at the moment, as I am focused and actually love meritocracy, but in a country where the median income is $3,55 a MONTH, not an hour, I'd waste my time working for a month for that little, hell, I'd make more money in any amount of scam ad sites if I wanted to focus on something so painfully mediocre.

Lots of love to you guys. I'll keep shitposting til I die, it fills me with hope for the future when I see that I've been shitposting for years now. This too shall pass, but I do wish it went quicker.

I had never experience hunger out of necessity before; I hope none of you ever do.

keep on rockin in the free world

One of my legs is infected now, since about 4 days ago, it sounds like a zombie apocalypse ARG, but it's true, for some reason I have a big ass rash on the back of my knee that prevents movement, as it hurts when it bends because I'm breaking the scab, so I'm positively 50% immobilized. This sucks.

I guess I'll be okay, my cool in law told me some pointers, told me it wasn't a fungus, probably a bacterial infection caused by some weird contact in a small rash, prescribed me some things (that we got only because of contacts) and I just feel bad for being expensive atm.

It's a very fucked up predicament being in this situation, for months all I've done is just not make too much noise and not cost money because there is little, we're owed some money that would be good to have, but alas, so are people under a crisis.

I'll let you know when my leg gets better, I'm not gonna post pics because I don't want to gross anyone who's reading out, but have in mind it's ugly and scabby and red around the edges and it hurts like first time anal.

Love u all :triggerhappy:

ugly ass gross warning

might cut it off idk

god it burns tho

and to top it off w a lil cherry yesterday nite my grandpa fell and apparently fractured his femur on his good leg, so he's now bedridden and will need diapers, weird flex grandpa

Honestly this is the lowest point that I've been in my life lol but I do hope it will get better, I don't think it can get much worse
Espero que te recuperes de la pierna, da grima lo que tienes, ¿no has pensado en invertir dolares en viajes a Cucuta para comprar cosas, chucherias, etc. Para luego venderlas aqui?
nah lmao, mucha gente hace eso ya, de todos modos ya no se gana mucho en eso, todo el mundo conoce el negocio y la comida acá por anz no está tan escasa, está cara, claro, pero por lo menos ahora sí podemos comer; habría que ser creativo y encontrar algo que no sea común y que no esté caro para vender, pero igual realmente nunca me ha interesado el mundo de la compra-venta, es un mercado muy saturado.

Ya estoy tomando vainas para que se me arregle, pero igual qué fucking asco ser un zombie lmao, gracias por el comment