Originally Posted by Masterj05h View Post
lol sahee calm the (bleep) down just cause the red river flows and you aint got a tampon dosent mean you can bitch out on us i was just suggestin random names of clans i could remember so go (bleep) your self i aint causing trouble im joking with my clan. so go back to your relax all forums where people actually give a damn about what u say cause we sure as hell dont

I'm calm, you're backing away. You wanted war, now you're just "joking with your friends".
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
k sorry, not joking though im going to eat this guyz carcass after i destroy him and we lay waste to relax all
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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Well everone you can thank Masterj05h and amp for ranting infront of Nevil. Now 1336 might go to war with us. They are having a poll so I don't know the full details
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Although I have no official word in what 1336 does, ive been looking around on our forums and it doesnt look likes its going to happen. jo5h being banned seemed to cool them off enough.
Originally Posted by kjhg53 View Post
Well everone you can thank Masterj05h and amp for ranting infront of Nevil. Now 1336 might go to war with us. They are having a poll so I don't know the full details

yes so far the poll is a 100% on the war so im guessing there will be a war

and this pretty much guarentees it and sorry kj for the invade but i just felt like updateing
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And yet buy has the flast say in this. There;s no point in war if he's ban you know. Buya will mrethen likely kick him once his ban is over. Again no point in war.
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