My brother calls it gay even though he plays retarded games. And my family don't really care about this game :P
No one from irl or social media (besides Noraine) knows I play toribash, and if they did I probably wouldn't get laid as much
my name is tona and i smoke medical marijuana, isnt my username clever as fuck
Back in the days when I've played a lot, my friends laughed from me for spending so much time on a ragdolls game until they've realized that I am world champion and that I actually make money from this game.

~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

My friends think I should play it more often.
My other friends think I should smoke a couple of bowls and try to play in a Taekkyon Tourney or something.
My family thinks it contributes to my violence.

I just want a fucking computer good enough to play it without the GUI glitching up into symbols and running at 5 fps.
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Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Back in the days when I've played a lot, my friends laughed from me for spending so much time on a ragdolls game until they've realized that I am world champion and that I actually make money from this game.


I don't think that makes you any less of a nerd.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
My father thinks its simple and stupid, however I never attempted to explain how it works to him because that would probably shortwire his brain.

(Roughly Translated) "Why are you playing this stupid doll game again? It looks like its made for 7 year olds. Go study."

My mother doesn't really care much for videogames and she thinks that I am horribly addicted (she may be right). However, the one time she watched me play and I explained how the joints move in 4 different ways and combinations of joint movements cause your whole character to move, she said:

"Out of all the games you play, this one looks the most interesting. However, go study."

My lil bro thinks its pretty awesome and sometimes he watches me play or I show him a bunch of replays and he repeatedly exclaims how awesome it looks, however I think he is too young to try it right now.

My friends are split on the matter, some friends say that it looks really interesting but are scared of trying it because it looks really difficult, other friends dislike the style/concept of the game.
In general, the outer world thinks I have a very serious problem.

My father is like: "Why play that low graphic trash when you could play Xbox One" (What a uncultured console nerd.)

My mom simply believes I'm utterly addicted and some subliminal messages inside keeps me from playing.

My sisters think the game is retarded and I'm an addict.

My little brother is obsessed with the game (Yet he's too young to even type on a computer properly) and he runs around beating the shit out of pillows, saying he's playing Toribash.

Baby sis likes watching but doesn't really.. understand. Yeah.

My friends that know I play think It's legit as fuck that I'm so good (In their terms), and the ones that have gotten into it are becoming addicted, but most first trying friends of mine are garbage. One day they'll learn to not click random joints and pray.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
My father, when he watches me playing TB, he says: why are you playing this idiot game, AGAIN! when you can play BF4 or Watch Dogs?! DAFUQ?

My mother says nothing,she lets me play a lot of games, until they reach the maximum gore mechanics (thank you, Hampa,for the no blood mode!!).

My friends and pals from school are like: WTF IS THIS SHIT! HOW THE F*CK YOU CAN PLAY THIS IDIOT GAME! I told someone from class to play it. next day: I don't play it anymore! It is difficult! yeah, typical CS:GO player.
My family sits on the couch while eating potato chips and watching Netflix as they yell at my for being lazy and unproductive. And saying I'm addicted to Toribash when they've been watching the same show season by season for the 7th time over. People say I'm addicted, I know I'm addicted, please help.
Last night, my cousin and her friend came over, but her friend came over with her cousin. The cousin of the her friend told him sit by me by the computer. When he saw me playing toribash, he was like "what kind of game is this?" and I said a fighting game. I let him play around for a bit and he disliked the game so we played some other games.

Pretty much my whole family will be like this:

Cousin (boy): "What kind of game are you playing?"

Uncle: "What kind of name is that for a game like that?"

Cousin (girl): "What the hell are you playing Jay?"

Grandma: "You playing your cartoon?"

Mom: "Probably playing roblox"

Cousin's Friends: "what is this dude playing (with a giggle)"