Originally Posted by Lushsmoke View Post
I suggest the gay ass hug fest is closed because it is fucking useless

I could say the same about you, friend.
the goblin
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
I could say the same about you, friend.

You made me sad
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


anyway, aside from eventually changing the banners a little and adding a graduates rank...

thinking about making a cartoonists thread. Having flash, watching Nearly and D3 get so into animation and drawing, and finally having some assisting artists for my group Doodliez has gotten me super hyped.
Last edited by Marrez; Mar 8, 2013 at 01:11 AM.
the goblin
Why don't you rephrase the first post in the replay cnc thread since it when read literally it means, "Posting a replay is not required as long as you give cnc".

One of my posts just got deleted for this and it's pretty frustrating seeing as how I haven't done anything wrong. Change it please.
Originally Posted by Athin View Post
This thread is for sharing replays and getting C&C.
One replay per post.

Did I miss something?

And another thing, I've deleted other posts for the same reason. Why do you think you get to but others don't?
Last edited by Antleronio; May 23, 2013 at 08:59 AM.
I came here to laugh at you
Originally Posted by Athin View Post
One replay per post.

When you post a replay, you must provide C&C for the last replay.

What you're supposed to be enforcing is a max. Not a minimum.
This says when I do post a replay I'm required to also give cnc. This does not say that I'm required to post a replay in order to cnc.
I'm not even trying to be edgy right now. I just took the time to cnc someone elses replay without asking for someone to cnc mine back.
I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with this but I'd still like you to be a bit more explicit in the rules you put down and enforce.
Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
What you're supposed to be enforcing is a max. Not a minimum.
This says when I do post a replay I'm required to also give cnc. This does not say that I'm required to post a replay in order to cnc.
I'm not even trying to be edgy right now. I just took the time to cnc someone elses replay without asking for someone to cnc mine back.
I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with this but I'd still like you to be a bit more explicit in the rules you put down and enforce.

What part of one replay per post don't you understand? Don't try and nitpick. it says what it says. one replay per post. that doesn't mean a maximum, it doesn't mean a minimum. it means one replay per post. those rules were set before I got here, so I enforce them. I'm sorry you took time out of your day to do that only to be shot down, but you should have known. I think the mindset when that rule was made was "one person criticizing your work is good enough, we don't need five other people chiming in with their opinions."

I'm trying to figure out how people can misunderstand something so straightforward.
I came here to laugh at you