Morning kiddies, ima thinking about joining NO because 1, I'm awesome, and b, I know a lot about Toribash.


Oh yeah, and I'm a green belt, been on the server alot, I love commitment, and my favorite color is blue <3
Last edited by Water_Marine; Jun 1, 2008 at 07:00 PM.
i has a bucket
Originally Posted by gogeye
Worlds are quick to go asunder, gogeye lives for gold and plunder

How about no? You're immensely annoying. We legitimately had to mute you for spamming/capslock.

You're actually not awesome, however hard that may be to imagine.
Absolutely no. You're not fit to join any group of rational human beings.

The best I'd say you could do is to sit by yourself and pretend like you have people who appreciate and respect you, except that would be a lie.

Please gtfo. If you think you have any chance of being accepted after being muted, you're retarded. Although I'm fairly sure that was already assumed.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
zomg what a freak... SECURITY!! Can you remove him?
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin
Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Absolutely no. You're not fit to join any group of rational human beings.

The best I'd say you could do is to sit by yourself and pretend like you have people who appreciate and respect you, except that would be a lie.

Please gtfo. If you think you have any chance of being accepted after being muted, you're retarded. Although I'm fairly sure that was already assumed.

Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Please gtfo. If you think you have any chance of being accepted after being muted, you're retarded. Although I'm fairly sure that was already assumed.

You mean 'banned'. I wasn't the only one muted over there. Plus, I made several attempts to remain quiet after asking you to wait before muting my ass. I had one almost silent brawl with some guy, won, and got ban't.

Hmm. I'm getting 'incarcerated' for this. Tally-Ho then.
i has a bucket
Originally Posted by gogeye
Worlds are quick to go asunder, gogeye lives for gold and plunder

This is making me lol.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ