Originally Posted by Kristis133 View Post
Playstation 1 best game - Final Fantasy IX.

End of discussion.

I know I'm gonna get shit for this but imo FFIX sucked. I much preferred the story in FFVIII

edit: 7 was also better than 9. Yes I've played all 3 on PSX and I own all 3.

edit2: Since I don't feel like making another useless post to counter the argument about graphics, I couldn't care less about the textures or graphics in the games. I mean that the storyline in 8 and the storyline in 7 appealed to me more than the storyline in 9. I had an extremely hard time staying interested in 9, but I had trouble putting down the controller for 7 and 8.
Last edited by Gum; Dec 13, 2011 at 08:48 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
^ Gum, oh man, you're going to get in trouble for that.
I'll start to get you in that trouble.
FF7 was not even close to be better than the 9th part.
Look, FF7 was really not that bad, but it had a lot of minuses.
I really didn't like the style of that game. It was pretty much like negative insomniac style.
Seriously, FF9 was very positive, emotional, beautiful and interesting.
FF7 + FF8 = FF9 in my opinion.
Just look at the changes out there - 7th bad textures + 8th good textures = 9th balanced textures.
Just my opinion though.
Right now I'd really love to rip off your balls and shove them into your arse.
But I'd make it more gutter.
"Philosophy of mankind are pink dreams of a blue planet" ~Lexx
• มวยไทย •
ishi says PowerStone

i say
Jagged Alliance and Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre (Turnbased tactical)
Actraiser and Pizza Tycoon (building/management)
Masters of Orion and Alpha Centauri (4x)
System Shock series/Deus Ex series (fps)
Thief (stealth action(?))

Dragon Quest (the grindier jRPG, sorry Final Fantasy)
Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG

speaking of RPG, play a little Rogue/Nethack... or angband if you're more into elves and orcs deals

oh yes

ALL INTERPLAY GAMES (except games made by Shiny during and after Enter the Matrix)
So im going to have tons of work to do ;3
Thank you all for the games you want me to put up.
I find it hard for myself to decide if a game should be on the list or not, so i add the games that people like, simple as that!
Adding them in the list!

I also want to say something bad about gum, but i won't...
I respect your opinion...
But .. its wrong.

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
If Populous is going up then I demand either Mega-Lo-Mania or Powermonger are by it's side.

Why didn't i think of Powermonger :#

Originally Posted by avwave View Post
ishi says PowerStone

i say
Jagged Alliance and Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre (Turnbased tactical)
Actraiser and Pizza Tycoon (building/management)
Masters of Orion and Alpha Centauri (4x)
System Shock series/Deus Ex series (fps)
Thief (stealth action(?))

Dragon Quest (the grindier jRPG, sorry Final Fantasy)
Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG

speaking of RPG, play a little Rogue/Nethack... or angband if you're more into elves and orcs deals

oh yes

ALL INTERPLAY GAMES (except games made by Shiny during and after Enter the Matrix)

I added the majority of the games you suggested.
Last edited by Dagger; Dec 13, 2011 at 09:57 AM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Never really liked RPGs but as I stated before, Persona 3 got me hooked. It felt different from other RPGs that I played. The game sucked me in. This, Pokemon and Chrono Trigger are probably the only RPGs that I like.

Also, Castlevania. I'm talking about the side-scrolling, linear style of Castlevania. I'm not saying that the Symphony of the Night-esque games are bad, I like them, but I prefer to play Super Castlevania IV any day.

Add Professor Layton and Ace Attorney while you're at it.
Rappunk said I need to put him on my sig :P
"So what if I lied? At least I'm honest about it."
Originally Posted by DarkeVipr View Post
Never really liked RPGs but as I stated before, Persona 3 got me hooked. It felt different from other RPGs that I played. The game sucked me in. This, Pokemon and Chrono Trigger are probably the only RPGs that I like.

Also, Castlevania. I'm talking about the side-scrolling, linear style of Castlevania. I'm not saying that the Symphony of the Night-esque games are bad, I like them, but I prefer to play Super Castlevania IV any day.

Add Professor Layton and Ace Attorney while you're at it.

I feel ya, persona 3 is excellent, though really.
Persona 4 was amazing, loved it so much!

Lmao, Ace Attorney, concider it done.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
I Have a warehouse of games somewhere along the line I will find it again I have all old systems and games older and equal to the ps2!
If it dates past to the end of the making of ps2 games I won't have it.

Also this objection is better than Ace xD