Belt: Brown

Previous clans: Draft and Carbon

Why do you want to join?:because i want to help this clans rank rise.

What can you contribute to this clan?: i can contribute my skills my money(which ill get some soon).and i can contribute my ideas.

What do you know about the community?:What community?

Show us your Art & replays if you have some:i dont have any replayscurrently.

The mods you are good at:
Judo,aikido,aikidoBD,kickbox and wushu

Did someone invite you?:yes vultron did.

Do you know about IRC?:
heck yah
Any infractions or bans?:expired infraction
Last edited by king01; Sep 2, 2011 at 04:54 PM.

Smack bitches

Grammar not so good, and when I said community I ment the toribash community....But yea accepted welcome to Oda. I unbanned you from Oda aswell pidda.
In 4 weeks. But we must be active, and we can get unoffical toriclan to seem like a real clan. But we need 10k.